In order to get a PayDay loan, individuals need to provide the PayDay loan providers with certain documentation, including identification, proof of employment and, sometimes, collateral. One thing that individuals do not need when they apply for a PayDay loan is good credit. This helps to make the loans even more attractive to many people because there are not a lot of rules and regulations that are put into place to govern the handout of such loans. A person's credit does not matter, but the person will need to provide the lender with proof of identification and employment. Only in some cases will PayDay loan providers require individuals to supply paperwork that proves they have collateral, or an item that they own worth at least the amount of the loan they are taking out. This often includes the title for a car or something similar.
Individuals with bad credit often have a very hard time getting loans from traditional lenders. This often results in individuals who are in need of money being denied loans, which can negatively affect their lives and standard of living. In order to help counteract this, there are a number of specific lenders that will give out money, in the form of a loan, to individuals that apply for a short-term PayDay loan. In almost all cases, an individual's credit is so irrelevant to a PayDay loan that the credit of an individual is not even checked. However, individuals who have bad credit and are looking to improve their credit scores can benefit from their PayDay loans. There are some lenders that will later report to the credit agency. Individuals with poor credit that take out a PayDay loan, pay it back and have their lender report the loan to the credit agencies will improve their credit scores. If an individual borrows some money in the form of a PayDay loan from a lender that does not report to the credit agency, they will not be able to improve their credit score.
Moreover, individuals can apply for certain short-term loans regardless of how much debt they currently have. The amount of debt that an individual currently owes can also affect their odds of getting a loan from a more conventional lender. PayDay loans are different in this respect as well since the PayDay lenders do not research how much debt an individual currently owes.
PayDay loans are easy for almost anyone to get. This includes individuals with poor credit or no credit. The signature loans, which most PayDay loans essentially are, are loans that are very simple in nature. They only require a signature on the loan form and certain examples of identification. Credit is not much of a factor when it comes to these loans, so individuals, regardless of what type of credit they have, can benefit from a PayDay loan.
A Loan With Poor Credit
The first step is know how poor your credit actually is. You can determine the state of your credit by requesting your credit score and credit history report. Once you have that information, you can begin to research poor credit personal lenders, both online and locally, to find the most suitable loan to fit your unique situation.
If your credit score is very poor, you will be viewed by lenders as a bad credit risk. You may have to provide some type of collateral and get a secured loan. One common form of collateral used to get a loan with bad credit is real estate. This type of secured loan minimizes the risk for the lender, because if you default on your loan, they can legally take your house. When someone faces the possibility of losing their home if they do not make their loan payments, they will find the means necessary to repay the loan.
Your home is not the only form of security you can use to get a bad credit personal loan. Some lenders will be willing to accept a vehicle as collateral, as long as the value of the vehicle is in line with the amount of money you wish to borrow. In fact, using your car to secure a personal loan may be preferable to risking your home. A home foreclosure would be more damaging to your credit than surrendering your car to a lender, and a less expensive vehicle can usually be found as a replacement. If you have a vehicle that is paid off and a willing lender, it makes more sense to use it as security for a small loan of less than $10,000, than to risk losing a home that is likely worth more than $100,000.
If you own neither a home nor automobile, there are other things that can be used to obtain a loan with poor credit. It is possible to use stocks and bonds, jewelry and other valuables as collateral for your loan. In fact, almost anything with tangible monetary value can be used as collateral provided you can find a willing lender. Lenders prefer assets that will expose them to a minimum amount of risk, and are relatively easy to liquidate.
If you have sub prime credit and have nothing of great value to offer as collateral, some lenders will still be willing to extend you credit. If you only need to borrow a small amount of money, or less than $1000, you may be able to get a loan with no collateral and with no credit check. If you need to borrow much more than this, you will likely need a co-signer to guarantee your loan.
As a last resort, you can get a payday loan or paycheck advance loan. These loans carry steep finance charges which can work out to over 800% interest when annualized. Payday loans are short term loans guaranteed by your wages, and are normally payable on your next payday, or up to 30 days. Rolling over these loans will allow you to stretch your payment schedule if you are unable to meet the obligation to repay on your next payday; however, this is a dangerous tactic as you will incur additional finance charges which make the loan even more difficult to pay off. You should only consider a payday loan if you have exhausted all other options.
Almost anyone can get a personal loan regardless of their credit history, although people with the worst credit will either pay substantially higher interest rates or be forced to offer the lender some type of security to guarantee repayment. Don't borrow beyond your ability to pay, and begin to build a history of timely loan payments. As your credit score increases over time, many more loan options will become available to you.
Both Ratetake & Gregg Pennington are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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