Today homeowners are faced with various rising costs surrounding the maintenance of their homes. One such rising cost that can be seen is in the area of energy prices, such as gas and electric bills. One great way to cut back on costs such as these is to purchase energy efficient appliances for one's home. This not only helps homeowners save money in the long run but will also provide individuals with the most modern, up-to-the-minute appliances which are available on the consumer market. Therefore, the reward is two-fold. Not only will homeowners be able to save approximately $50-$75 per year on their energy bills but they will have a new and improved appliance in which to do so.
Many individuals may wonder how these new types of appliances enable them to save money on their energy bills each month. Well, the answer to that is quite simple. Some appliances are equipped with improved motors and compressors which enable them to work more efficiently whereas other appliances have better insulation installed within them. There are many new techniques which manufacturers use to ensure that the product which individuals are purchasing is one which will present them with the best possible energy conserving methods out there. This is beneficial not only for a consumer's wallet but for the environment as well. This is especially true in the case of washers. Many of the newer washers on the market use less water for each cycle which helps out the environment as a result due to conservation methods.
When one is thinking about getting rid of their older appliances for new and improved models, one of the most efficient trades which can be completed where homeowners will see the greatest result is with refrigerators. These items are the ones which use the most energy and will make the largest impact in the end by replacing them first.
If one wishes to pursue energy efficiency measures yet is not ready to trade in their old appliance for a new one, there is another option. One can always look into the purchase of a new motor or efficiency tool which will enable one's older appliance to run along the same lines as a new one.
These energy fixers can be purchased to alter the current used on an appliance or provide installation of insulation in certain cooling appliances. There are a number of options available to the homeowner today who wishes to do something about their high-energy users without having to get rid of a household appliance in order to do so.
A Energy Efficient Home
Today's energy efficient homes are built to meet or exceed the government's 5 STAR requirements for energy efficiency. Consider the following: when gas prices are higher, people will drive by several stations looking for a cheaper price or bargain- instead simply stooping at the first station that is most convenient.
Real estate, new home purchasers seem to follow the same trend. There are many first time home buyers who are still looking building homes all over the country. But not as many as in the recent years. Those buyers are just scrutinizing their investment more. They are shopping multiple builders, researching energy efficient house and system built homes on the internet, etc. at much more higher rate then before. The inflation, which is increased cost of land, building materials and labor have slowed the market, but have also created a great opportunity for builders of energy efficient house building systems. Those builders who stand the scrutiny of being compared to many other possibilities have much better chance to stay in business.
A slowdown can spell doom to many builders using traditional construction methods, as it is nearly impossible to price much less than other builders without offering less quality/features. However, is stark contrast, energy efficient house with System Built Homes thrive in this market as we able to offer homes that match (or often exceed) quality/feature standards while offering a much competitive price than houses are built with regular stick building. While the slower market dictates less and more scrutinies buyers, an energy efficient house with System Built Homes have the ability to attract more of these buyers.
You can find more information by visiting energy efficient home website for more data on the latest energy efficient house construction trend. If you're interested to find out how you can have your energy efficient System Built Home designed, please contact us at Residential Design.
Both Cathy Peterson & Joe Karakas are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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