Consider Kauai, the least crowded of the major Hawaiian islands. Want to hear 10 reasons why?
You and your kids may really enjoy simple snorkeling. Just put on mask or goggles at any beach and watch the colorful fish.
2. There are sheltered beaches for kids on the sunny south side.
3. Outfitters on the island offer zipline tours through the treetops and kayaking on scenic rivers and oceanfront.
4. You will see an amazing coast on Kauai's northwest side. Hollywood directors have found it and used it in movies like King Kong and Raiders of the Lost Ark. You can see it from a boat or helicopter, or even from a kayak if you relish an athletic challenge.
5. Your frequent-flyer miles may be able to get you there.
7. If you like scuba diving, you'll like the fact that outfitters tend to operate more safely under U.S. liability laws than in other, non-U.S. tropical locations.
7. Kauai is the least crowded of the major Hawaiian islands. This is great depending on whether you like or hate crowds.
8. Endangered wild life such as monk seals and sea turtles can be found in or near the beaches. Be careful not to touch! But do bring your camera.
9. You can find out all about Niihau, the neighboring island forbidden to outsiders for nearly 100 years, 17 miles away.
10. Worried about funding a vacation? Using U.S. currency at a U.S. tropical destination may be quite a benefit for you.
So, planning your next vacation, scope out Kauai.
10 Things I Like About You
Let's face it: without advertising and marketing a business is just one big expense. Even word of mouth is a form of marketing. But no company, even a small business, can truly survive on word of mouth alone.
With that said, you have a few options on how to get the word out. Prior to the 21st century, the standard forms of marketing and advertising generally consisted of the following options: radio, television, print and other. Let's look at each of these first, and then consider the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing, versus these other traditional formats.
Radio advertising can be a bit pricey, depending on what kind of schedule you purchase. The time of day, the ratings and number of listeners on the station, and even the time of year can affect the budget you'll need in order to run a successful radio campaign.
While many radio stations will allow you to run short schedules with a very basic message, the likelihood of limited radio advertising being effective in helping your business see significant growth is slim to none. You may be able to generate a response to a single sale on a one-time basis, but a short or limited radio schedule could put you in a position to not break even.
Television advertising is thought to be more effective than radio because of the visual aspect. However, television stations know this and may charge more. You could run into the same problems as you may with radio, budget-wise.
Print advertising generally refers to newspaper ads, but also includes magazines and so on. While print tends to be more affordable, modern trends show that more people are online doing their reading, and less people are reading physical print anymore.
The ?other? category of marketing and advertising includes a variety of promotional tools. This can include direct mail, promotional items (such as pens, cups, t-shirts, and hats), etc.
Email marketing has a few advantages you won't find with any of the conventional marketing tools. First of all, the number of impressions you can achieve for the same amount of money exceeds all other forms of advertising. This is because your audience is only limited to your list of email addresses.
The question becomes whether or not people truly respond to email marketing, or if they just regard all advertising via email as junk mail, also known as ?spam.? Your gut may tell you that people don't read email advertising, but you'll be surprised at the truth about this.
First of all, while people may disregard a large percentage of the business email they receive, they do not disregard all of it. If the email is from a trusted source and contains information relevant to their lifestyle, they may very well read and respond to the messages.
It becomes important, with that fact in mind, to establish rapport with your potential buyers, and to choose your target demographic carefully. An email marketing specialist can help you determine exactly who your target audience is, based on factors like age, gender, annual household income, location, and other factors.
Now that your email marketing campaign is ?targeted,? its success is much more likely. However, only a marketing specialist has the knowledge needed to then create a message that will turn those impressions into a point of sale. Proper marketing is said to be a combination of the ideal medium and an effective message: ?the medium and the message? are key!
The verdict is that email marketing has many advantages over other forms of advertising, including budget. However, it is important that email marketing is done appropriately. If you do not consult an email marketing specialist, you could end up blocked by entire internet service providers? servers, or worse, sued!
If you do choose email marketing, be sure to do so through a company that specializes in targeted marketing and advertising, which has aggregated the data needed to create a successful campaign to help grow your business. In fact, this is true with all forms of media marketing.
Track your email marketing campaigns with
Both Phyllis Wheeler & Prakhar are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Phyllis Wheeler has sinced written about articles on various topics from Personal Desktop, self improvement and motivation and Adsense. Before you imagine your tropical vacation, think about a Kauai Hawaii vacation. Writer Phyllis Wheeler took her family there and is wanting to return! Find out. Phyllis Wheeler's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Phyllis Wheeler to your Favourites.
Prakhar has sinced written about articles on various topics from . prakhar maheshwari. Prakhar's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Prakhar to your Favourites.
A Chow Chow Dog They have a bit of an attitude problem, and if you are okay with it, then they can be your perfect dog. There is nothing like hugging these small dogs on a winter night!