Use of asbestos has a long history stretching more than two thousand years. It was the Greeks who named this mineral as asbestos. The meaning of this Greek word is 'inextinguishable'. The Greeks were aware of the harmful effects caused by this mineral but they continued to use it as they considered the material to contain some magical properties. Asbestos products were used during the middle ages but the use of asbestos became more popular after the late 1800s when the use of this mineral became popular for industrial purpose. Asbestos was extensively used for insulation of steam pipes, turbines, boilers, kilns, ovens and other places where high temperature was involved.
The use of asbestos continued unabated in the twentieth century also. But people started becoming aware of its toxic effects. In 1917-18 it was noticed that an unusually large number of young people are dying prematurely in towns where asbestos was mined. Clinical research was carried out in England in 1924 after the death of a young woman was recorded who was diagnosed with a new disease called 'asbestosis'. In this study, twenty five per cent of test subjects were found to be suffering with asbestos related lung diseases. This study led to the enactment of legislation in 1931 to provide increased ventilation in asbestos mines and recognized asbestosis as a work related disease.
Farther research was carried out in 1930s which linked asbestos with lung cancer partly caused by a new disease called silicosis which was caused by inhaling silica. In spite of the knowledge of adverse effects of asbestos on human health was well known and safer alternative solution of fiberglass insulation was available, asbestos continued to be used extensively all over the world. But, because of lots of criticism faced by asbestos industry, use of this material has been somewhat restricted.
Therefore, anybody who is involved in Asbestos Jobs should know about the three diseases caused by asbestos exposure. They are: Asbestosis, Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer.
Asbestosis causes widespread scar tissue between the alveoli, or spread over the lung. It is difficult to distinguish from other causes of interstitial fibrosis. Only confirmation of exposure to asbestos or detection of unusually high numbers of asbestos fibers in the lung is considered conclusive evidence of this disease.
Mesothelioma is a tumor of the chest lining, abdominal lining and occasionally the heart lining. Asbestos is not the only cause of this disease, but it is the most important cause in modern times. This disease takes 20-50 years to appear, with the highest risk around 30-35 years after exposure. It is typically dose-related, but in rare cases has been known to occur in patients with little known occupational exposure to asbestos.
One of the factors for occurrence of Lung Cancer is exposure to asbestos amongst others. In fact the use asbestos has been banned in different country including the USA presently.
Therefore, anybody who would like to take up asbestos job should keep this in their mind before venturing in this field.
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