Product & Services

Head Reduced Pressure Set Dizziness, headache, migraine, insomnia, poor memory, Allergic rhinitis |
Ovarian Physical Therapy Set Irregular menstruation, gynecological inflammation, frigidity, menopause syndrome |
Neck Shoulder and Hand Opening Set Neck & shoulder pain, cervical pain, upper limb numbness, sinus of cold & coughs, hand numbness, joint weakness & pain, muscle strain |
Liver Detox Set Enhance detoxification, immune function, and increase resistance, metabolic function |
Vertebral Maintenance Set Stress relief, detoxify, improve immunity, promotes blood circulation |
Slimming Physical Therapy Set To strengthen the function of excretion, edema, obesity, metabolism of fat, no side effects of downsizing |
Kidney Maintenance Set Lower back stiffness & pain, night urine, kidney weakness, insomnia with excessive dreams |
Bright Eyes Set Dark circles, eye bags, eye wrinkles, bright eyes, improve vision, eliminate eye fatigue |
Leg and Foot Opening Set Leg pain, numbness, cramp & weakness, knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis, heaty, lit, insomnia, body weakness, cold hand & feet |
Chest Maintenance Set Breast dysplasia, breast asymmetry, nipple retraction, post-natal relaxation, common breast disease, breast hyperplasia |
Intestines and Stomach Wellness Set Constipation, stomach bloating, gastric pain, stomach cold. Puffiness, enhance nutrient absorption capacity |
Services 服务项目有 : |
Additional Services : |
- 針灸治疗
- 减肥纤体:改善水肿,肥胖,新陈代谢
- 肠胃治疗:胃胀风,胃痛,胃寒,虚胖
- 肾治疗:腰部酸痛,僵硬无力,夜尿,失眠多梦,前列腺炎
- 肩頚及手治疗:肩頚酸痛,頚椎病,手麻,关节痛
- 腿足治疗:腰痛,腿痳,抽筋无力,膝盖痛,手脚冰冻
- 卵巢理疗:月经不调,更年期综合症
- 脊椎保养:觧压排毒,促進血液循环
- 头部减压:头暈头痛,偏头痛失眠
- 眼部治疗
- Bruises :cure: Backache
- Numbness in Arms & Leg
- Pain in Calf
- Knee Pain
- Sprain Injury
- Ankle Elbow Pain
- Neck & Shoulder Pains
- Various type of aches and pain.