Products & Services
UBS Products
  • UBS Accounting
  • UBS Stock Control
  • UBS Payroll
  • UBS Point of Sale
  • UBS Assests Register
  • UBS Time Attendance System
  • UBS Human Resource Management System
Autocount Software
  • AutoCount Accounting
  • AutoCount Photocopier
  • AutoCount Payroll
  • AutoCount Freight Forwarder
  • AutoCount POS
  • AutoCount Sales Commission
  • AutoCount Mobile
Our Services
At UBS Business Solutions, we are motivated and inspired every day by how our customers use our software to eliminate manual repetitive work, improve workflow & business effectiveness and efficiency, and stay connected to what is most important to them.

We run our business in much the same way, and believe our six core business services give play to its full extent to serve our customers. They are:

- Consultation
including analysis on business requirements, map business process, evaluate process performance & current I.T. capability, recommend overall strategy, software & hardware, propose I.T. architecture, develop implementation plan, etc.

- Maintenance & Support Services
including telephone, fax & email assistance, and on-site support served by a fleet of experienced & friendly customer service officers (I.T. support)

- Training
including on-site and classroom training. Both practical and theory parts are covered in classroom training, which is held in our in-house training room, to cater elementary & intermediate learners' needs

- Customization of Billing Documents
(e.g. purchase order, sales order, delivery order, quotation, invoice, cash sales, receipt, purchase return, debit/credit note, payment voucher, creditor/ debtor statement, etc.) , including making the necessary adjustments based on customers' requirements, i.e. insertion of company logos, amendment on header & footer, font sizes, etc. printed from UBS software system