Tentang Kami

The establishment of BAPMI bear in mined the expectations of Indonesia market players to have a special out-of-court dispute settlement for capital market sector, which will be handled by the expertise, fast, and efficient process, final and binding decision, and meets fairness and justice.

During the period of August 2002 to January 2003, BAPMI finalized and released several rules and procedures, appointed some of capital market expertise to be Arbitrators/Mediators, and ratified the Honorary Council. Since then BAPMI has ready to fully operate.

Produk & Servis

Indonesia Capital Market Arbitration Board Services include :

Arbitration Services

Meditation Services

Dinding Opinion Services

Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Menara 1 2nd FL / suite 201-B, Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan 12190
Building image

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