Established in the 1930s, Stamford Tyres
has built a reputation for our steadfast commitment to service and product
excellence over the years. From a humble tyre retailer cum petrol service
station in Stamford Road, Stamford Tyres is today an international tyre and
wheel supply and service provider with strong growth potential.
expertise of Stamford Tyres lies in our international distribution competence,
which we integrate with complementary value-added services such as regional
retail chain operations and truck and off-the-road tyres with management
services. Our extension into outsourced contract manufacturing and alloy wheel
manufacturing in recent years complements our core competence.
established sales and distribution network currently spans more than 30
countries around the world. While the Group continues to focus in our core
business of tyre distribution for our principal brands - Falken, Dunlop,
Continental and Toyo Tires, we have also strengthened our product development
capabilities and pursued incremental growth opportunities by developing our
proprietary brands - Sumo range tyres and SSW light alloy wheels, which are sold
To ride on the robust growth of the region, we are also
expanding our retail operations and truck and off-the-road tyres with management
services in the Asia Pacific. Going forward, Stamford Tyres remains committed to
propel our business to greater heights and create values for our customers,
business partners and stakeholders.
Stamford Tyres was listed on the
Second Board of Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX-Sesdaq) in 1991, and was upgraded
to the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST)
in April 2003.