About Us
Founded in 1979, Laundry Network Pte Ltd (formerly known as Consolidated Laundry Enterprise Pte Ltd) offers a comprehensive range of textile care services under three major brands:
Products & Services
The first outlet of Systematic Laundromat was set up in 1980 at Marine Parade estate, Singapore. It achieved an annual turnover of S$120,000 during that period. Today, Systematic Laundromat has grown to 16 outlets that are located at East, West, South and North zone, providing laundry services to customers island-wide. Ladrin System Planners was incorporated in 1984, to provide consultancy and management services on laundry and drycleaning operations. With the resources and information covering all aspects of laundry and dry cleaning operations, the consultancy service is tailored according to individual customer's requirements. Manpower is a key resource in the Laundry & Drycleaning industry. Laundry Network Singapore recognizes the importance of nurturing a knowledgeable and competent work group. With this objective, TCA Textile Care Training Centre was set up in 1997 to encourage continuing education, skills upgrade and technology awareness
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