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Tutoring Service Starting with : J


Benefits of Tutoring Services Tutoring service is very helpful especially when you are preparing for an examination. It is a service wherein it will help you enhance your knowledge. A tutor ensures that you will know the right information in order for your exam to be a success. There are so many benefits and advantages in having a tutor service. The first one is that you can easily get ahead of your class as well as grasp the things which you had problems learning in the past. Tutoring service will help you every step of the away until you finally receive the progress that you deserved.

Jac's Learning Centre Photos
Specialises in Secondary & Primary subjects (English, Math and Science). The teachers across our four centres islandwide are NIE certified; Graduates holding either a Diploma or Postgraduate Diploma in Education from NIE. Each class consist of 8 students (maximum) and we dont charge registration or material fees.
Address : JLC Bishan, JLC Bishan, Singaporesingapore
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Tel : Call now
At Jac's Learning Centre, students are assured to get full attention from experienced teachers for their studies.
Address : West Coast Recreation Centre, #01-09, 12 West Coast WalkWest Coast Recreation Centre, #01-09, 12 West Coast WalkSingaporesingapore, 127157
Category : Tutoring Services, Enrichment, Schools
Tel : Call now
Address : Tiara, #13-02, 1 Kim Seng WalkTiara, #13-02, 1 Kim Seng WalkSingaporesingapore, 239403
Category : Tutoring Services, Education, Schools
Tel : Call now