Abdul Gafoor MosqueOld Mosque in a predominantly Hindu Tamil Settlement in Serangoon RoadGazetted as a national monument on 13 July 1979
The original Mosque known as Shaik Abdul Gapore Mosque was a wooden structure built by Shaik Abdul Gafoor Shaik Hyder in 1859 on ...
Anderson Bridge, Plaque on the bridge is of stone specially brought out from Egypt.
Anderson bridge is named after Sir John Anderson, Governor of the Straits Settlements. It was built in 1909 jointly by the government of the Straits Settlements and the Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore.
The President of the Municip ...
Attorney-GeneralThe Attorney-General's office building was the first Government Printing Office.
The Attorney-General's building was built in 1910 in High Street as the Government Printing Office. It moved to its present premises in Upper Serangoon Road in 1976. ...
Ban Siew San TempleAnother Temple to sustain our cultural heritage.
Guan Yin Tang was built in 1880 by a Taoist by the name of Wong Guan Teck who hailed from Hainan. The hill site was selected because it stood between the sea and a hill at its rear.
The roof ha ...
Bawaeanese Pondok (lodging house)64 Club Street Chinatown A social institution to assist early Indonesian Immigrants to
The Pondok Peranakan Gelam Club at 64 Club Street in Chinatown was founded in 1932 by early settlers from Pulau Bawean. ...
Belle Vue HouseOnce residence of Manasseh Meyer the well-known Singapore Jew, pioneer and philanthropist.
Belle Vue House was erected by Singapore's first architect Coleman in 1842 for Dr Oxley, the well-known government surgeon in the 1830s. Dr Oxley also owne ...
Caldwell’s HouseCatholic education for all girls.A French Roman Catholic Institution: School, Chapel and Convent. The most famous of the Roman Catholic Girls Schools in Singapore
H.C.Caldwell, Senior Sworn Clerk to the Magistrates built the house between 1840 an ...
Cathay Building : An Interesting Past of Cathay BuildingSite of old bakery; Cathay building headquarters of Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Commander, South-east Asia Command in 1945 and Singapore's first skyscraper.
Cathay building stood on the site of an old bakery and Victorian building m ...
Cathedral Of The Good ShepherdExpansion of the Roman Catholic Church - the French Mission Singapore. It was gazette as a national monument on 6 July 1973
Stamford Raffles gave a Malacca priest land on a 999 year lease to build a Catholic Church in 1822. Rev Mgr Courvezy got t ...
Cavenagh Bridge, Manufactured in Scotland in 1868 by P. W. MacLellan
Cavenagh Bridge is named after the last Governor of the Straits Settlements-Colonel Orfeur Cavenagh (1859-67). He was succeeded by Colonel Sir Harry St George Ord (1867-73), the first Governor of the Straits Settlements when Penang, Malacca and Sin ...
Changi Gaol - Symbol of Fortitude, Courage and InventivenessSymbol of fortitude, courage and inventiveness of the of the prisoners of war during the Japanese Occupation. Singaporeans outside its walls displayed similar qualities.
Two days after the British surrendered to the Japanese at Ford Motor Works i ...
Chin Kang Hui-KuanThe headquarters of the Mobilisation Council Chung Kuo Council (China National Council) formed by the Chinese in Singapore to help in defence of Singapore against Japan
As the Japanese Imperial Army advanced southwards across the Malay Peninsula ...
Church of Our Lady of LourdesOriginally the Indian Roman Catholic Church in Singapore.
'The Church that stands as evidence of the staunch faith of the early Indian Roman Catholics most of whom came from French Pondicherry in South India in Singapore is the Our Lady of Lourde ...
Church Of St Peter And PaulExtension of the work of the Portuguese Mission in Singapore
Father Paris built the Roman Catholic Church of St Peter and Paul between 1869 and 1870 and also donated three beautiful bells to the Church. Pedro Tan No Keah influenced the men among ...
Clarke Quay
Image (C) Amin Rad
Former Centre for entrepot trade and hub of Singapore’s
Until the 1970s the Singapore River hummed with activities. Many bumboats carried various cargoes from the ships on the outer roads to the warehouses on it ...
Clifford Pier : A Story of a Demolished PierBuilt by Woh Hup Expertise developed by early Singaporeans
Clifford Pier is named after Sir Hugh Clifford, Governor of the Straits Settlements (1927-29). It was officially opened by Governor Sir Cecil Clementi (1930-34) on 3 June 1933.
Previo ...