How to Give Yourself a Motivational Warm Up When You Wake Up

by : Peter Murphy


What is the worst thing you can do when you start your day?


Wake up feeling lethargic and expect yourself to perform at 100% from the moment you get up in the morning; and then compare how you are doing during the day against this unrealistic benchmark.

There is a better way!

As you wake up in the morning take charge of your thoughts in that early morning awareness before you fully awake.

Do this before you get up out of bed by repeating some affirmations. Affirmations work very well WHEN you say them with strong feelings in a state of deep relaxation.

If you have heard about affirmations before and never got the maximum benefit from them it is because you did not know how to take a very ordinary approach and supercharge it.

Supercharging affirmations depends on four factors:

  • Phrasing affirmations in the right way

  • Choosing ones that are right for you

  • Saying them while in a state of deep relaxation

  • Speaking them with strong feeling

At the end of this message I will tell you how to get fr*e tips from an expert that will explain the nuts and bolts of affirmations.

But for now...

When you use affirmations correctly their impact will last for at least a few hours - long enough to get you started on the day ahead.

Pay close attention now because I am going to reveal details of some of my personal and very private habits...

I use the following affirmations to help me get up in a positive state of mind:

  • Positive thoughts bring me the benefits I desire

  • Negative thoughts have no influence over me

  • Everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better

To start the day with confidence...

  • I am confident and charming with the people I meet

  • I radiate confidence and relaxation

  • I start great conversations easily and effortlessly

  • I approve of myself and feel great about myself

  • I have sky-high self-esteem

You can do the same.

Remember to say these affirmations with feeling and do so quietly inside your head while in that relaxed awakening state.

Unless I use this ritual each morning I tend to feel negative about the day ahead. The difference from feeling negative to feeling positive is huge for the sake of those few minutes in the morning.

You can also go one step further and imagine the day ahead working out well. See yourself doing your best and easily dealing with challenges. Imagine yourself feeling confident and behaving in that way no matter who you deal with.

Imagine you will have a great day in this way and you are directing your unconscious to make it happen in the language it understands best - feelings and images.

Forget about will power.

Will power is a waste of time because it?s like talking to the most powerful part of your mind in a language it does not understand.