Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13 by :
Tami Close
Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13 Life is great, isn't it? Stop and just look around you as you'rereading this and breathe in all that you have to be gratefulfor. You have a computer; you have the Internet; you have theability to type; you can read; you have an attractive,intelligent, vibrant 50-year old woman who cares aboutyou-that's me! Remember to define yourself as Divine. The Onewho created you wouldn't have it any other way. He expects youto let people know who you are and shout it out your car windowif you have to. I prefer to wear a t-shirt that reveals who Iam. I celebrated my 50th birthday on March 11 and got a t-shirtthat says, "I'm 50 and I'm a Hottie!!" You're a Hottie too!! Take a few moments and get up and do theHottie dance. Shake your booty and let's hear the roaring soundsof, "I am a Hottie! I am a Hottie! I am a Hottie because I havea nice, sexy body! Go ahead and shake it all around! Being aHottie is wear it's at and you are definitely where it's at. In order to retain the Hottie title, you must take care of yourbody. What I'm discovering more and more as I work with clientsis the emotional component that keeps people from achievingtheir weight loss. When you are hold things in, your body staysin an acidic state which creates a harmful environment. Thestress can affect your entire body and can literally shut downyour adrenal glands. It's as if your body is in a fight orflight mode all the time with all the worry. Your body wants tobe in an alkaline, balanced state for its optimum health. Also when your body is acidic, it creates a haven for CandidaAlbicans, which is an overproduction of yeast in the entirebody. The yeast is a parasite and doesn't need a partner toreproduce. Thus, when you're under stress, the yeast has a fieldday because it thrives on an unhealthy body. Also Candidathrives on sugar, whether it is processed sugar or carbohydrateslike breads, pastas or rice that turn into sugar in the body. I know about Candida as I had it when I was very ill. In myhealing book, it states that people who have Candida experiencea lot of frustration and anger. That was me once upon a time. Ithank God that I was shown a different way and I can show mybody how much I love it by being kind to it. God gave me awonderful body and I express gratitude to Him everyday by what Iput in it, my exercise program, the words I use, giving it timeto relax and nurturing it. I am a Hottie and I wear that t-shirtwith pride. Take a moment right now and express gratitude to God for yourbody. Thank you for my eyes that see, my ears that can hear, myheart that beats, my blood that flows, my mouth to wear brightlipstick, my voice to express who I am. He gave it to all to youso that you would take care of it and be all you can be. So, Ms. Hottie, releasing those emotions is the key. Keep usingthose Rapid Eye and Emotional Freedom Techniques to releasethose negative emotions. Use those affirmations throughout theday to keep the positive energy flowing. Express gratitude whenyou drink a glass of water, have a hot shower, skip down theroad. Forgive others and yourself. Meditate and pray to becloser to God. God only knows peace and wants the same for you. You are absolutely incredible and deserve such huge pats on theback. Go ahead and reach way back and give yourself a few pats.Your hard work is paying off and I'm proud of you! Love and hugs, Tami http://www.tamiclose.com