by :
Michael Greeves
Many people think that by skipping meals, you can (and will) lose weight quickly. The logic is, the less food going in, the less calories absorbed by the body. This thinking is correct, except for one oversight. There is less food going in the body, but most of the calories digested are stored as fat; eating more often provides a steady flow of calories, most of which are then are burned off instead of stored.
Greater weight loss can be achieved by eating more often because if your body has a constant source of fuel, then your metabolism will keep going and burn more calories. For people who only eat three times a day, there are two times during the day, midmorning and late afternoon, where their metabolism decreases because of a lack of calories to burn off. When there is not an incoming source of fuel for your body, it goes into storage mode because it is not sure when it will be getting another supply of nutrients.
Adding a couple of snacks and decreasing the size of your meals will keep your metabolism in constant flow throughout the day, thus leading to more calories burned and a greater weight loss. The body will no longer feel it needs to store everything because it is being provided with a constant stream of fuel. However, the kind of fuel you provide your body is a large factor in the subsequent weight loss.
Eating a brownie and a chocolate bar as snacks throughout the day will not lead to weight loss.
Snacks that are high in protein and fiber will fill you up and stave off hunger. Hunger generally leads to cravings of foods that are high in calories and fat, thus making it more likely to overeat.
Eating snacks such as almonds, oatmeal, and popcorn will not only give your body a sense of fullness, but your mind will be convinced as well. Whole grains provide nutrients that boost your metabolism, and they also release into the bloodstream slowly. Carbohydrates like cookies and cakes release quickly into the bloodstream, which increases blood sugar levels and leads to calories being converted into fat. Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water every day is also essential to see the reward of weight loss. Water is essential to the metabolic process, so getting the recommended servings only helps keep your metabolism at a high level.
Eating five to six times each day also allows for a more balanced diet because there are more opportunities to get all serving recommendations in. In general, each snack should contain between 200-300 calories, and each meal should contain about 400-500 calories. Timing your meals for every 2-4 hours and eating nutrient-packed foods allows nutrients to be released into the blood system slowly, keeping your metabolic functions at a steady pace.
Eating more often is definitely a good option for people trying to lose weight, due to a constant high metabolism that lasts all day. Metabolism and energy levels are equally related: if your metabolism increases, so does your energy level. A higher energy level is something everyone can take advantage of; it could mean having the energy to take five flights of stairs versus the elevator at work! If you do decide to try eating more to lose more, make sure you plan out your meals and snacks, and make sure you are eating nutrient-rich foods to ensure your body continues to work as a calorie-burning machine!