Minisite or a Theme Based Content Site - How to get Started ?

by : yaali786

It is really difficult to decide as to how to get started.

Whether to create a minisite and focus upon selling a single product or create a killer content site and sell multiple products.

There are many gurus who recommend a minisite system whereas few recommend to create a killer content rich site.

First lets talk about minisites...

Minisite is a 1 to 5 page site and its main focus is on selling a single product.

You can sell your own product by constructing a powerful salesletter or sell some affiliate product by preselling your affiliate program and directing them to the affiliate site.

To sell with minisites you require a whole lot of creativity, as the minisites mainly focus on a sales pitch.

You either get the visitor to purchase your product or they will quit.

Minisites fail to provide huge valuable content, therefore it is difficult to make the visitor stay on your site for a long time.

Secondly it is difficult to build search engine traffic on a minisite. Search engines love keyword rich theme based content site.

You just can't target many important keywords on a 1 to 5 page minisite than you can do on a 200-page content site.

It is difficult to build credibility with a minisite unless you are a renowned and established expert on a particular topic.

Now lets move on to a theme based content site...

Theme based content sites are nothing but quality rich site with huge content that targets a particular topic or a theme.

It is easy to attract search engine traffic to a keyword rich theme based content site.

Lets say you created a 200 page content site and each page is stuffed with 1 important keyword of your niche.

That means your site will now receive targeted traffic from 200 keywords right from the search engines.

Search engines will rank your site higher due to its quality content which will in turn get you more traffic.

Due to its quality content the visitor will stay on your site for a long time. Thus improving your chances to make a sale.

Due to the quality content you provide on your site you establish credibility and your visitors start respecting you and consider you as an expert. This in turn improves your chances of closing more sales.

From the above discussion you can clearly see that it makes more sense to create a content rich site tightly targeting a particular theme.

While statistics have proved that creating just a one page minisite with right psychological formulas will sell $1000s worth of products.

This is what I have personally done and has worked for me...

I make use of minisites as well as content sites to sell my products.

I created a 5 page minisite that sells my products and services. I also created 3 content sites worth 100s of pages that presells my visitors and drags them to my minisites.

What I would suggest you to do is create a simple minisite, test it and then once it works fine and pulls in great profits start creating a killer content rich site around your theme and divert your traffic to your minisite.

This system has worked for me and I bet will work for you.

So don't get confused as to how to get started. Just take the first step and MOVE ON...