Tips on Shopping for a Used Car by :
Aurel Radulescu
When shopping for used cars, it is important to understand the value for the automobile that you are considering purchasing. One way to determine an accurate value is through Kelly Blue Book ( and their extensive pricing system. By entering select data about both new and used cars, consumers will receive instant value estimates. In order to get an accurate value, consumers must know the make and model of the automobile, current mileage, additional features and overall condition. Selecting from a lot of used cars can be an excellent way to own the automobile that you have always wanted, but could not afford a brand new model. Understandably so, new cars are more expensive than used cars. But, that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with purchasing used cars. No matter whether new or used, any automobile can develop a problem at any given time. That means that buying a new car does not automatically guarantee the new owner will have a smooth trouble-free ride. In addition, automobile insurance is often less expensive than those for new cars and this is another reason for the ongoing popularity of used cars. When shopping for used cars, consumers should always take a test drive and also request to take the automobile to a trusted mechanic for further inspection. Under no circumstances should a consumer accept the word of the individual, or company, selling used cars. The only way to make sure that the automobile is in the condition as stated is to take it to a mechanic, who can properly inspect used cars and determine any underlying problems. The majority of used cars are exactly as stated but, when auto safety and a large amount of money is involved, there is no room for error in judgment. When purchasing used cars , it may be possible to purchase a warranty contract. Not everyone realizes this, but even used cars carry warranties if they are purchased from a licensed automobile dealer. An additional warranty will, however, not generally be included in the original purchase price and may be additional. However, depending on a future problem, the additional cost of a warranty contract may very well be worth the money. Typically, the cost of the extended warranty would be figured into the entire loan amount and would ultimately only affect the monthly payments by a minimal amount. Used cars can be found at a variety of places, including a local dealership, the classifieds section of a local newspaper, the bulletin board at a local retail or grocery store, word of mouth or even online. In many instances, a licensed dealer can order used cars from another automobile dealer. For example, if a customer wants a specific model and color of a car and knows which out-of-state dealer has that car for sale, they may request that a local dealer obtain the car so that they have the convenience of purchasing locally. This is not at all uncommon and is actually a standard practice among many dealerships offering used cars.