The Scent of a Woman
by Mike Yeager.The scent of a woman can be one of her most appealing features. Hairstyle, clothes and makeup are all important, but the fragrance a woman wears provides a level of attractiveness that few other fash...
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Designer Envy: Knock It Off!
Topic : Designer & Designers : Designer Envy
by Gregory Lions.CHANEL, VERSACE, DOLCE & GABBANA, VUITTON, GUCCI, DIOR, FENDI, PRADA, COACH, MARC JACOBS et al. As the holiday shopping season kicks into high gear, these are the brand-name clothing and fashion acce...
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Types of Bras
Topic : Bra & Bras : Types of Bra
by Barney Garcia.Though the origin of the bra dates back to over 6000 years ago, it has evolved from being a garment that revealed the breast; to one that was supposed to make them smaller and more manlike; to one that made the breasts look symmetrical; to today’s ...
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Hats And Caps Be Now To Continue
by RogerWilliams.Hats and caps are a original passion of the early stages. Hats and caps present a young emotion and a smart appear. Hats are the newest craze on the streets as a street style and still on the slope. Hats and caps are the foundation of styling even in...
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Fashioning an Image for Yourself
by acurace.Making an image for yourself can prove to be an invaluable career move, or at least a social one. The reason to do so lay in the fact that while thorough communication between others is a virtue, projecting an image for yourself can serve as a near-e...
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