Editorials » Woman » Marriage

Happily Ever After? (How to have a happy marriage)
by Fris.I didn't marry you because you were perfect. I didn't evenmarry you because I loved you. I married you because yougave me a promise. That promise made up for your faults.And the promise I gave you made up for mine. Two imperfectpeople got married and...

Are you making time for your marriage?
by Stephanie Foster.It's easy to lose track of the important things when you are raising a family. It's hard enough to pay enough attention to your marriage when you have children; if you add working from home to the mix, it can become nearly impossible. Yet a strong ma...
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10 Steps to Success in Love and Marriage
by Alex Mugume.This new book provides you with the essential dating knowledge you need to empower you to make smarter decisions. It teaches you how to manage the risks and uncertainties in a love relationship. The secrets have less to do with luck. Marriage is all ...
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Oneness in Marriage
by Murphy Toerner.companionship love security it's the next logical step after college or after launching from one's family of origin procreation to appropriately satisfy sexual desires it is a holy institution designed by God others...There are many other possible re...
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How To Find A Marriage Therapist: Questions You Should Ask
Topic : How To Find A Marriage Therapist & How to Avoid The Wrong Therapist
by Lee Baucom, Ph.d..Studies have shown almost 50% of couples in therapy end up divorced. Only 10 to 20% of couples who go to therapy see any significant help from counseling. This is a major indictment on therapy, and one that has not been addressed!. tips on How To Fin...
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The Marriage Made In Heaven became Hell (and back again)
by Donna Colter.Have you ever heard of a marriage like this? Well, you know that I know that you know someone like this. Read on.....Have you ever heard the story about Miss I Wish Now that married Mr. If Only Someday? Well, I Wish and If Only met one day and fell i...
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Marriage - 21 Questions to Ask Before Saying I Do
by Priscilla Parham.Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla ParhamWedding day bliss, what a wonderful thing. The excitement, the plans, the wedding obligations begin to take on a life of their own, easily redirecting the focus from the marriage onto the wedding day. Since the comm...
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Marriages Really Can Last Forever
by Cucan.Its a fact that more marriages end in divorce than those that last. It used to be that marriages really were forever. The phrase "till death do us part" was actually meant when it was uttered during wedding vows.Now, we see or hear about celebrities...
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Behaviour that Ruins a Marriage
by Jamie Wallis.Prominent in the list of annoying habits that have caused marital breakup figured the habit of putting fingers into the nose, leaving the toilet seat up, squeezing the toothpaste in the middle, or repulsive table manners. The most irritating thing ab...
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Remarriage Preparation - When Are We Ready to Remarry?
by Alyssa Johnon.My coaching clients ask this question all the time. They are searching for ways to avoid getting hurt again and to feel confident in their decision to give marriage another try. It's a great question because they've learned from experience that jus...
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Remarriage Preparation - How To Know If Youre Ready to Remarry
by Alyssa Johnon.Remarrying is a big decision. The good news is that 75% of divorced people do remarry. The bad news is that at least 60% of those remarriages will end in a re-divorce.Not being ready to remarry is one of the biggest problems I see with my coaching ...
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Preparing for Remarriage: Stop! You Need Couple Time!
by Alyssa Johnon.Moving on from a divorce is a tumultuous time. Once you've broken free from the emotions of the divorce and found a new relationship, it's time to re-think your views on relationships. But how do you do this with all of the other things that need y...
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Remarriage Preparation - How to Deal with the Ex-Spouse
by Alyssa Johnon.Part of the realities of remarriage is that you will frequently have an ex-spouse to deal with. Is it your first choice? Probably not. But it's something you need to prepare yourself for.Ex-spouses aren't always difficult. Unfortunately, a lot of ...
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Short Story- Love Marriage
by Dalip Singh Wasan.Love marriage. Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate, 101-C-Vikas Colony, Patiala-147003. I had been recognized as the most lucky girl amongst my friends who could get married with a man of my ch...
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Short Story. Marriage in India
by Dalip Singh Wasan.Marriage in India. Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate. It is on record that Sudhir and I had developed relations when we were in college and we had spent four years together firstly in college and then in the Un...
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Short Story- Avoidable Marriage
by Dalip Singh Wasan.Avoidable marriage Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate. Our son was in marriageable age and therefore, we started giving matrimonial advertisements in news papers to attract a better match. We had been...
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Marriage is a Balancing Act
by Alex Ellorde."Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long , intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner." ---- Amy BloomNorman and Samantha are celebrating their 9th wedding anniversa...
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Marriage Advice & Marriage Tips
by Tankiso Letseli.I would like to liken marriage to a car cruising on a highway or freeway. This analogy helps to understand marriage, but it is not intended to answer all questions or explain every aspect of marriage. The freeway or highway has several dynamics, and ...
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Marriage Guidelines & Marriage Help
by Tankiso Letseli.14. Overloaded Cars. Some marriages are overloaded with heavy problems and baggage from the past. This scenario affects the health of marriage, and might cause further problems. Don't overload your marriage with in-laws, friends, and others when the...
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Investing in your Marriage
by Tankiso Letseli.1. Investing time in your marriage. Marriage needs time. Find and make time for your relationship to grow. Choose a day bi-weekly or monthly for the two of you, and that day should not be given or negotiated away. Block that day in your diary, and d...
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Marriage Counselors
by Sig Yanosway.Counselors are professionals whom we approach for advice when we encounter a problem or difficulty in our lives. Counselors depending on their area of specialization are of different types like family counselors, marriage counselors, and career couns...
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Choosing The Right Marriage Counselor Is Important
by Sig Yanosway.A couple during the course of their marriage, may experience several ups and downs. First of all, before choosing a marriage counselor, they must check if there is anything that they can solve by themselves. After all, if love can bring them together...
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Marriage Help for Men
by Steven Magill.Copyright (c) 2008 Steven MagillWhen a guy goes through some trouble in his marriage, most times he does not know where to get help. In his mind there is a problem, and he wants to get a solution to fix it immediately. Marriage help cannot solve your...
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East European Women Looking for Marriage to West European Men
by Groshan Fabiola.Some of the most beautiful and attractive women in the world can be found with the help of a dating site or marriage agency in Europe. There are many wonderful women in Eastern Europe who are looking for marriage to west European men and who use the ...
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Remarriage Preparation - are You Sure Youre Ready to Remarry?
by Alyssa Johnson.Remarriage is a big step. If you've been divorced before, it can be extremely scary because you don't want to go through that again. But the statistics show us that 75% of people who divorce end up remarrying. Unfortunately, statistics also show us t...
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