Editorials » Woman » Divorce and Infidelity

Living In A Loveless Marriage
by Karl Augustine.Being in a loveless marriage is a frustrating predicament, but it may not necessarily mean that a divorce is eminent. Solving the quandary of a loveless marriage requires self-reflection to assess the situation, courage to try to create a team effort...
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Staying Married Only For Your Children
by Karl Augustine.All children are different and respond differently to divorce. Depending on the characteristics of the children - age, emotional maturity, happiness, resiliency to trauma - the easier or more difficult it will be for children to weather a divorce. As...
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Divorced Parent: Promote Positive Child Adjustment
by Ruben Francia.The effects of recent enlargement in divorce rates are negative effects. Divorced children are more probably to get pregnant as teenagers, drop out of high school, abuse drugs and have aggressively emotional and behavioral problems, which lead to soc...
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Divorce Parenting Practices
by Ruben Francia.Is there such thing as divorce parenting practices that is best appropriate for an infant? I tell you, yes there is. In fact, it's not only for infant. At every stage of children's development, whether infants, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary scho...
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Divorced Parent Guide
by Ruben Francia.I have seen some divorce parents consciously distance their children from the other parent? Such actions may only be justified when there is a genuine concern about the children's emotional or physical safety when with the other parent. But in the ab...
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Divorce Parenting Practices for Toddlers
by Ruben Francia.Toddlers, toddlers, toddlers! Very young, seems don't understand what is happening yet their development may be affected by parental divorce. During the first three years of life, children grow quickly and become mobile, learn language, begin to unde...
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How to Reorganize Your Divorce Life for Happiness?
by Ruben Francia.Do your dreams, hopes and ambitions shattered by your own divorce? Do you feel completely worn out of your desire to go on with your life? Do you feel you have no more purpose or inspiration for life's achievements?You must not let yourself think alo...
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Best Divorce Parenting Practices for Preschoolers
by Ruben Francia.How do you spare your preschoolers for the negative effects of divorce? How do you promote your preschooler's healthy growth and development? The answer is appropriate divorce parenting practices. The next question is what appropriate divorce parenti...
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Divorce Parenting Practices for School-Age Children
by Ruben Francia.It is being said that how bad or how well children go through the divorce depends on how the situation is handled. And believe me when I tell you that there is an appropriate divorce parenting practices for children of any age for them to be healthy,...
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Dating After Divorce vorce
by Karl Augustine.If you're going to start dating again after you've gotten a divorce, there's quite few things that you should consider beforehand...here's a partial list you might want to think about: Dating after divorce consideration 1: Make sure that you are awar...
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Single Parenting
by Karl Augustine.According to the US Census Bureau, there were over 20 million single parents in the United States in the year 2000. That's a staggering statistic, certainly the worldwide number of people who are challenged with single parenting is exponentially high...
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5 Ways To Ensure You Will Have a Happy Life After Divorce
by Karl Augustine.Thinking about having a life after divorce or thinking about how your life will be after divorce, are common because people tend to fear for themselves. In fact, think about having a life after divorce while getting a divorce can be a sticking point ...
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10 Tips for Self Care During Divorce
by Sharron Phillips.What a gift you will give yourself and everyone around you if you are committed and willing to take extreme measures for self care during a divorce. A divorce is a separation from a union and even the most straightforward, uncomplicated circumstances...
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Washington Divorce and Child Custody
by Gio Castro.Most people believe that child custody refers to which parent gets the children. In fact, custody refers to three parenting roles:The first is a question of residence. Where and with whom will the children live?The second is a question of nurturance....
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Issues of Alimony & Divorce Division of Property
by Gio Castro.Typically, of all the issues needed to be resolved to complete your Washington State divorce, alimony is the issue of least consensus and unification among lawyers and judges. Today there is a growing expectation among lawyers and judges that women c...
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Washington State Divorce Legal Issues
by Gio Castro.Either you and your spouse will negotiate a settlement between yourselves or a judge will determine the arrangements for you. In Washington State divorce cases, there are now formal guidelines that the court must follow in awarding child support. How...
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Late Divorces and Adult Children
by Sharon White.Many young adults can not only accept their parents’ divorce but much suffer from emotional and psychological stresses. They are affected by late divorces even more than kids are, because they understand they will not have a complete family any mor...
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Divorce And Parental Love
by Kate Gardens.The discourse, divorce not only alienates parental love and affection to young adults but also intensifies psychological disturbance including personality disorders, pathologically hostile, and socio-economically distress and weakens young adults fa...
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10 Tips For Successful Divorced Parenting
by Donald Saunders.Many divorced parents believe that divorce itself will permanently damage their children. Research shows however that, while divorce is often a traumatic experience for children, it is the manner in which the couple parent their children following th...
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Divorced Parenting - Considering The Needs Of The Children
by Donald Saunders.Divorce is a traumatic time for children who often find themselves on a rollercoaster ride both during and after a divorce. This is a time therefore when both parents, whatever their own problems with each other, need to focus very carefully on the n...
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5 Tips For Parents Who Are Contemplating Divorce
by Donald Saunders.Divorce should never be taken lightly and this is especially true when children are involved. Couples should always try to exhaust every possible avenue when contemplating divorce and should only make the decision to separate when it is clear that th...
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Child Parenting Advice - Divorce and Children
by Donald Saunders.There can be few things in life as traumatic as a divorce bringing with it a mixture of feelings including anger, betrayal, confusion and uncertainty. It is a time of high emotion and often considerable change as living conditions are altered, financ...
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Can You Have A "Good" Divorce?
by Belinda Rachman, Esq..Despite our best efforts 50% of marriages end in divorce. If a marriage has to end, if you have done all you can to save your marriage, at least end it with as much dignity and fairness while keeping as much control over the process as you can. It is...

Divorced Men and Children
by Jamie Wallis.However, each of these countries has a specific and unique approach to the rights of the father before, during and after divorce. The rights and duties of father before divorce are common; they are regarded as equal to that of the mother, with the ad...
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Divorce through the Generations
by Jamie Wallis.Why is the UK drawing so much attention? Divorce rates are high in a few other West European nations too. What is drawing statisticians down here is the rapidly changing demographic contours of the nation. The statistics reveal a people moving throug...
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