Php for Internet Marketing Websites
by Santanu Boral.A scripting language popularly known as PHP, originated in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP stands for Personal Home Page Tools. In just maximum 10 years this language has become a favorite of internet marketers, even small business webmaster with the new...
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Maintaining Badly Written Legacy Code
by Duane Hennessy.You have been handed a project or partly developed application to support. Due to prior deadlines, restricted budgets, limited developer skill, multi-developer miscommunication or just plain laziness from some previous developers you have been handed...
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Productivity and the Big Project Myth
by Duane Hennessy.Job advertisements in newspapers and on the internet asking for IT professionals usually tout large projects as the sole reason for wanting an IT professional in the first place. A programmer, system analyst or system tester must have had experience ...
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Interface Design - Its Not Yahtzee!
by Duane Hennessy.The interface is the face of the application behind which all of our instructional code is hidden; the interface between the user and the machinations for data crunching. It is imperative that the interface is well organised and easy to traverse with...
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Design Vs. Functionality
by Hannah Barnard.In the war of design versus functionality, which side is best?Since the beginning or the internet era, designers have always had to choose functionality or design. But with new graphic technologies and more advanced coding coming to light, some desig...
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Real Ownership of Software
by Sam Jose.Do you think you 'own' copyrighted software you 'purchase'? Think beneath the skin. Do you really own the software for which you shelled out a significant sum? The answer is a solid NO. No, you are not the owner of the proprietary software that you t...
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Japan Web Design and Development
by Tom.In an age marked by cutthroat competition, having a presentable website is a must for any business to get success. Business owners, corporate houses, and individuals alike, need to attract clients to their websites. provide servi...
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Using Temp Tables in Ssis Package Development
by freak.Often while working in a SSIS package you will require to temporary hold your data in a staging table in one of the Data Flow Tasks and then in another task you will require to fetch data from the staging table, perform transformations and load it an...
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Layout Design & Software Development Services
by Rickimorelli.Software services from India are at its boom. We are software development and layout designing service providers from India that offer all its customer, products that are high quality, cost effective, and are on-time delivery.A software development i...
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Software Development
by john.Software's system of rules exists for one reason: to provide value to its users' requirement in other words Software development is the translation of a user requirement or marketing goal into a software application. Software development permits end ...
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Simula: What Do you Know About It?
by Ashwak Sarhan.It is said that if you want to do object-oriented programming, then having a look at SIMULA is a must. If you have not already got yourself familiar with it, here is a brief introduction, but first you may need to know a little about object oriented ...
Hacking, a History
by Beau Felder.Hacking, a HistoryJohn Draper Draper was one of the first well known phone hackers, and the first famous "phone phreak". He was honorably discharged from the US Air Force in 1968 after posting in Vietnam, and then became an engineer at the electron...
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The Most Prized Species
by Sadain.Programmers themselves in the meantime appeared too many companies to belong to a very rare and prized species. "Where is a good programmer where you need one's" as the pet woe-cry of many a good and worthwhile firm, intent on retaining ultra-efficie...
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