Editorials » Technology » Computers Guide

Overview of HTTP
Topic : HTTP & What is HTTP
by Chris Inga.If you have been using the internet for a while, you have probably typed into your browser something that starts with "http:" and ends with ".html", hit "Go", watched your modem lights flicker on and...
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So What Makes a Good Spam Filter Anyway?
Topic : Spam Filter & Filtering Spam : Good Spam Filter
by Alan Hearnshaw.Spam Filters. Most of us know we need one. Some of us know we need a better one, but how many stop to think what actually makes a good spam filter in the first place? This is not just a rhetorical qu...
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Spam Filters Explained
Topic : Spam Filters & Filter Spam
by Alan Hearnshaw.What do they do? How do they work? Which one is right for me? Spam is a very real problem that many people have to deal with on a daily basis. For those that have decided to do something about it and...
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Microsoft Blues
Topic : Microsoft Blues & Microsoft Blues Screen
by Tony Dean.With the advent of 'Service Pack 2' for Windows XP operating system, Microsoft have really made the forums hum. Every forum on computer problems is replete with complaints that since downloading and...
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Is a DVD VCR Recorder Right For You?
Topic : DVD Recorder & VCR Recorder : VCR
by Kenny Hemphill.A DVD VCR recorder may, at first sight, seem like an ugly combo of old technology with new. However, there are many advantages to be had from a DVD VCR recorder, also known as DVD VHS recorder or DVD...
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Microsoft CRM Customization
Topic : Microsoft CRM Customization & CRM Customization
by Andrew Karasev.Microsoft CRM customization techniques are very diversified and based on the whole spectrum of recent Microsoft technologies. The main terms you should know are: Microsoft CRM SDK 1.2 and Visual Stu...
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On the Importance of Good User Interface Design
Topic : Interface Design & Good Interface Desgin
by V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D..It seems obvious, but it’s often ignored. A good user interface design can spell the difference between acceptance of a software product and its failure in the marketplace. If the end-users find the ...
Similar Editorials : Interface Design

Auto-Pilot Link Building Strategy for Content-Sites
Topic : Content Site & Content Sites : Auto Pilot
by Iszuddin Ismail.OK, this is what I consider a very effective method to get people to link to you without you having to ask them to do so. The best part is that, people will link to you for your most targeted keyword...
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Counter Strike, The Beginner of Broad Band PC Gaming
Topic : Counter Strike & Counter Strikes : PC Gaming
by Fahad Ahmed Bashir.This is the world of 21st century, the century of technologies. Every thing is fast now a days and as far as the Computers and games are concerned, they are at the top of all. Every one these days li...
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Network Monitoring for Serious eCommerce
Topic : Network Monitoring & Network Monitor
by David Leonhardt.In the real world, businesses come in every size, from self-employed entrepreneurs like me to mega malls like Wal-Mart. On the Internet, companies come in every size, too, from a stand-alone ebook s...
Similar Editorials : Network Monitoring Tools

How to understand the Domain Name System
Topic : Domain Name System & Domain Name
by Clare Lawrence.Ever wonder why DNS systems came into existence? Efficiency. Every computer has a distinct IP address, and the Internet needed an elite method for obtaining these addresses and for managing the syste...
Similar Editorials : Domain Names

How to Search your PC with Google Desktop
Topic : Google Desktop & Google Desktops
by Nowshade Kabir.In this era of Internet, most people are frequent users of computers. Many of us use computers through out the day, accumulating morasses of information in various formats, which include email, digit...
Similar Editorials : Is Desktop Search Deserving

Do You Want Your Own Fully Programmable ERP? - Part 1
Topic : ERP & Program ERP : Programming ERP
by J. C. Melo.We are in a transition phase in the Managerial Administration models of any company or Government, because three factors are summing for that: The new powerful business Information Technologies and...
Similar Editorials : Programmable Signs

Intranet Portal Project - RAD or Waterfall?
Topic : RAD & Waterfall : RADS
by David Viney.In this short article, David Viney examines whether Rapid Application Development (RAD) or Waterfall development methodologies should be used during Intranet Portal projects. Building Bridges I have ...
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Do You Read On The Train?
Topic : Train & Reading on Train : Train Reading
by Tony Dean.I don't know about you, but I see more people with PDAs on trains reading things on there instead of reading paperbacks, or newspapers. Is this the future we are looking at? Will newspapers of a mo...
Similar Editorials : Train Your Brain

Great Plains Customization
Topic : Great Plains Customization & Auto Apply
by Andrew Karasev.Microsoft Great Plains is one of three Microsoft Business Solutions mid-market ERP products: Great Plains, Solomon, Navision. Considering that Great Plains is now very good candidate for integration...
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Microsoft RMS Customization – PO Items Receiving in Great Plains
Topic : Microsoft RMS Customization & RMS Customization
by Luis Leung.Microsoft Retail Management (RMS) and Microsoft Great Plains are retail and accounting/ERP solutions coming from the same Microsoft subdivision – Microsoft Business Solutions. There is often common ...
Similar Editorials : Microsoft CRM Customization

Microsoft CRM or Siebel
Topic : Microsoft CRM & Microsoft Siebel
by Andrew Karasev.Siebel is traditional CRM market leader, however and mostly due to recession 200-2003, Siebel lost sizable portion of CRM market to new tiger, such as Microsoft CRM. Microsoft CRM s recent (2001) CRM...
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Microsoft CRM Selection
by Andrew Karasev.Microsoft CRM is recent (2001) CRM answer from Microsoft and attempt top get market share from traditional vendors: Siebel, Oracle, Onyx. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and v...
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Software Companies, Don’t Sabotage Your Long-Term Success!
Topic : Software Company & Software Companies
by V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D..Over the years, I’ve paid a lot of attention to how companies recruit computer programmers. During that time, I’ve noticed how managers frequently make hiring decisions that seem to make sense in th...
Similar Editorials : Companies and Individuals

Free Web Hosting Options
Topic : Free Web Hostiing & Free Web Hosting Company
by Syd Johnson.Where can I find free web hosting? There are hundreds of free web hosting services on the web. You can type “free web hosting” into any major search engine and get an expanded list. However, when yo...
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Choosing Domain Names for Professional Sites: Six Guidelines
Topic : Professional Site & Professional Sites : Domain Name
by Syd Johnson.A professional or business site is one where the primary purpose of the site is to facilitate business transactions. You can sell items directly online or exclusively offline, but the result is the ...
Similar Editorials : Choosing a Domain Name

Creating a Domain Name
Topic : Create Domain Name & Informational Website
by Syd Johnson.Content is King If you provide great content online users will make sure that they can find your website. You can create a domain with hyphens, longer phrases and words. You don’t want to use the 6...
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Six Ways To Create a Keyword-Rich Domain Name
Topic : Rich Domain Name & Rich Keyword
by Syd Johnson.An effective domain name can help to brand your site. It can also communicate to your customers the types of products you sell online. An easy to remember domain that describes your services should...
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Easy to Read Domain Name
by Syd Johnson.Most of the desirable one-word, two-word, and three-word dot com domains are taken. However, if add plurals and hyphenated terms, there is still some gold left in the domain name game. If you find th...

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