Editorials » Technology » Science

Young Galaxies Viewed Closer to Creation
by Jason Witt.When you receive the Seal you are not yet perfected. You are "young" compared to the maturity that will perfect you as years pass. Just like your own youth is the youth of galaxies astronomers have found recently.When you are sealed God writes His ...
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Creating New Life a Little Like God
by Jason Witt.When you are sealed God gives you new life. He creates you anew as if you were a new variation of your old self. That is what scientist Craig Venter is doing--creating new species of life to solve the world's problems.Craig Venter is known as a pio...
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Jars of Clay Found From Day of Nehemiah With Ancient Wall
by Jason Witt.When you receive the Seal you become like an artifact. God prints you with a mark of ancient history from long before anything people have recorded. A more recent mark from history has been found from the period of Bible writer Nehemiah.An archaeol...
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More Tropical Weather With Us
by Jason Witt.When you receive the Seal you will want to take better care of the earth. And you will notice signs that the earth is sick--signs like the newest indication that climate change is rapidly happening, the expansion of the tropics.The tropical belt of ...
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Fly Ash Use in Agriculture: a Perspective
by Md. Wasim Aktar.Md. Wasim Aktar*Pesticide Residue Laboratory, Department of Agricultural Chemicals, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741252, Nadia, West Bengal, IndiaINTRODUCTIONFly ash has a potential in agriculture and related applications. Physicall...
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The Solar Deitys Ire in the 21st Century
by Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya.The sun is the chief of the solar system. According to the Vedas the sun awakens us in the morning so that we act aptly all through the day. The sun is said to be the 'soul' of all movable and immovable objects. Within the entire cosmos the sun moves...
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Berseem Cultivars Salinity Tolerance & Early Seedling
by Dr. P. Kumar.Salinity tolerance of some cultivars of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) during germination and early seedling growthShipra Agarwal(1), Neha Agarwal(2), Alka(3) and P. Kumar(4)*Botany Department, Hindu College, Moradabad- 244001, India(1) grwl_sp1...

The Emerald
by Ian Maher.The emerald has captivated people throughout ancient history, and remains a treasured jewel today. Like many valuable gems, emeralds have been surrounded by folklore and mysticism and believed to possess supernatural powers throughout history. This v...

Canal Structures of Ancient Kutch Saraswati Civilisation
by Dr. Bhudia.Subject: Canal structures of Ancient KUTCH SARASWATI Civilisation during the harrapan and post harrappan timeDate: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 13:46:48 +0000Dear friends of science and Archaeology, Canal structures of Ancient KUTCH SARASWATI Civilisation during...
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Kutch Ancient Megalithic Culture : Pre Harappan & Harappan
by Dr. Bhudia.Dear Friends of Science and Archaeology,Megalithic culture of ancient Kutch. Very less has been investigated about ancient megalithic culture of Kutch during the pre Harappan and Harappan times. Few known places have been investigated some of them...
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Mount Meru Africa - Mount Meru Tanzania
by Dr. Bhudia.Dear friends of Kutch, Geology, Science and History, We have and are hearing words "JUMBU DWIPe, BHARAT KHNDe, ARYA VRUTe, KUTCH PRADESHe" in many processes to locate the place of the rituals. Which in SANSKRIT language says in SAPTAMI vibhakti (DWIP...
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How Galileos Telescope Changed Astronomy
by Will Kalif.Before Galileo turned his telescope toward the night sky the act of astronomy was pretty much an astrological pursuit where objects and motions of object in the sky were explained using ancient and archaic understandings of the universe and how it wo...
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Fuel Cells
by David Tanguay.Fuel cells are simple devices, containing no moving parts and only four functional component elements: cathode, electrolyte, anode and interconnect. Fuel cells are actually being used more widely than many people think.Fuel cells are electrochemical ...
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Ganesha Provides Weather Forecast for January 2008
by Malav Bhatt.Ganesha has set an astrological chart for the beginning of each season at the corresponding solstice or equinox, which afforded them more than just a broad-spectrum look at the season in question. From the planetary positions and aspects contained in...
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Wind Power
by David Tanguay.With the way the energy crisis is growing, soon the fossil fuels that we rely on will be gone or so overpriced, that very few people will be able to afford it. Researchers have been creating new and innovating ways to create energy out of the natural...
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How to Get Into Amateur Astronomy With Tasco Telescopes
by Kozsun Huseyin.For many people there first home telescope happens to be a Tasco astronomy telescope. A Tasco astronomy telescope may not be the best astronomy telescope on the market, however, it has allowed people easy entry into the hobby of astronomy and looking...
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Do you Know What a Moon Buggy Is?
by Jos Kirps.The Lunar Rover (sometimes also called the "moon buggy", and officially named Lunar Roving Vehicle - LRV) was a surface exploration rover used on the Moon during the Apollo 15, 16 and 17 missions.The original vehicle was developed in only 17 months b...
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Potential Applications of Fungi; a Biotechnological Aproach
by Ravi Dhande.Fungi are prominent sources of pharmaceuticals and are used in many industrial fermentative processes, such as the production of enzymes, vitamins, pigments, lipids, glycolipids, polysaccharides and polyhydric alcohols. During the past 50 years, seve...
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Discussing Philosophy in a Productive Way
by Scott Hughes.When discussing complex topics such as philosophy, skillful conversation becomes even more important. If conversationalists fail to use good technique, then they will not communicate with each other effectively, and the conversation will become unpro...
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Cosmetics and Dna
by J.J. Yong.Think of Pamela Anderson Lee figure model displaying the perfect tone body on billboard advertisements on the highway. Think of photo shopped pictures of celebrities on pages of magazine. Think of how the plastic surgery enhancement crazes mania amon...
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Is it Safe to Have Personal Dna Testing?
by J.J. Yong.Getting your own DNA make up has created a fad among health-concern societies. Basically, one of the main purpose for a person who wants to have his DNA analyzed, is just to find out whether he needs to have to take any health precautions. Highly se...
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Discovery of Dna Teaches Us About Motivation
by J.J. Yong.Besides knowing what DNA stands for - which means "Deoxyribonucleic Acid", there are few things that we might have overlooked. The discovery of DNA model has lead many scientists in encrypting codes of life which could bring us closer to humanity and...
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What you Need to Know About Arc Flash
by Clyde Lee Dennis.An arc flash is a short circuit in the air. The flash is instant, and almost too fast for the eye to understand, however the final outcome of this incident could worth millions in direct and indirect costs to a company.The temperature of an arc can r...
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Trace Ancestor Lines - Ancestor Dna Testing
by J.J. Yong.Genealogy research has been one upcoming and popular thing when one of the most sought talk show celebrities, Oprah Winfrey announced on her show that DNA testing has managed to track her origin ethnic to a Kpelles tribe located in Liberia.Then, with...
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Ancient Arabian & Egyptian Scientists Chemistry Contributions
by Md. Wasim Aktar.Contributions of Ancient Arabian and Egyptian Scientists on ChemistryMd. Wasim Aktar* and M. ParamasivamDeptt. of Agril. Chemicals, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India.AbstractsThe modern chemistry is based on th...
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