Remodel Your Window Wonderland
by Jim Brown.Before you start replacing your home windows , checkout what options you have in replacement windows. Make a list of questions you wanted answered concerning the different types of windows that may interest you.Find out how well the new windows will ...
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Fixing Your Sliding Glass Door
by Terry Schierer.Before the vertical blind there were wall to wall, ceiling to floor draperies that closed in a room and almost made it a cave like affect. Everyone was safe in their own little world keeping the rest of the world at bay.About this time the vertical b...
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Window Flower Box Basics
by Matthew Buquoi.Window planters are the latest fad in the United States. Now that affordable, low maintenance alternatives to wood such as vinyl and PVC, window box gardening are available, window planters are back in full bloom after taking a break for several deca...
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A Guide to Make Your Own Window Box
by Matthew Buquoi.Making a window box is a good do-it-yourself project that can be a good project for woodworking enthusiasts. Choosing the right wood is critical for window boxes, because water will be in direct contact with your box and you want it to last. Cedar ...
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Window Treatments - 101
by Vita Vygovska.Window treatments can be quite complex and confusing. Between measuring properly, selecting the style, picking just the right fabric, fabricating, finding the right hardware, and installing well - they can be quite a challenge. And what about retur...
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How to Save Energy Costs
by Paul Counts.With the rising costs of fuel in the United States people's wallets aren't only taking hits at the gas pump, but they are also taking hits on their home or apartment utility bills. However, there is good news for the energy consumer. The United State...
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Different Window Treatment Options
by Gregg Hall.Most of us would consider the stage where we actually get to choose our window treatment as the best part of decorating our windows. The choice of styles, colors, and fabrics available is nothing short of fantastic. We are fortunate in that we are fr...
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Whats Covering Your Windows?
by Christopher Smith.At one time, curtain rods were used for only one purpose – hanging curtains. Today they are much more decorative than utilitarian and are themselves an important design feature in many homes. Today's curtain rods are much more sophisticated and...
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The Perks of Solar Window Shades
by Michael Read.Finding quality blinds for your home is not always an easy task, but with solar window shades you can keep the sun out and drop the temperature within the home drastically. Many window shades on the market just block the sun from entering inside the...
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