A Single MoM Success Story
by Rick Beneteau.I cook and I clean. I get groceries and put out the garbage. Wash dishes, do laundry, mow the lawn, run to doctor and dentist appointments and pick up prescriptions. I also wonder about my daughters future and stay awake some nights worrying about he...
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The Principles of Success
by Craig Lock.What is success? I am not going to try to define success. I think a precise definition is impossible. Is it winning a Gold Medal at the Olympic Games or winning Wimbledon, or being awarded a Nobel prize? What else? I believe personal success could be...
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by Craig Lock.I believe some essential qualities in achieving success in life are:# DRIVE # PASSION# ENERGY# SELF BELIEF and INNER CONFIDENCEandmost importantly,# having a life PURPOSEHOW to do it?...Listen to that still inner voice deep within you- your soul.Nurt...
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Successful Beyond Measure
by Jo Mcnamara."I do not measure success by the quantity of what is in mycheckbook, but by the quality of what is in my heart... butquantity is a close second." Jo McNamaraI looked up the word "successful" in my thesaurus and someof the words listed were: happy, lu...
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Smile Yourself to Success
by Pamela Geiss.Is there really one secret to success? Is there a magical potion that if those who are successful would share with you would make you successful? Is there one answer that will make the difference between your being successful and failing?The answer i...
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M.B.A. - The Three Factors of Success
by Anita Foley.You will often hear it said that things come in 3’s. My Grandma used to say, “Good news, bad news, and blind mice all come in 3’s.” Well, she was right, and, over the years, I have discovered the 3 most important things needed to be successfu...
Innovating Your Way to Success
by Julie Jordan Scott.The calendar is chock full of fun facts like this: "The first successful parachute jump from a MOVING airplane was made by CaptainBerry at St. Louis, Missouri in 1912." Naturally my mind immediately jumped in wonder to the first successful parachute ...
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Success: Wear It Like A Second Skin
by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta.8 people signed up under you in an affiliate program youadvertised in an e-zine.A $39 check this month from one of the affiliate program you joined two months ago.Your article published in an e-zine with over 5,000 readers.What do these examples have...
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An Obstacle to Success
by Myrtis Smith.Whether you are starting a business, changing careers, or heading off on an adventure, it is natural for a little self-doubt to creep in. Do I really have what it takes to do this? Will people take me seriously? What will happen if I fail? Self-doubt...
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by Arleen M. Kaptur.Success - we all read about it, hear it on the news, and label some individuals as “successful.” The world’s concept is believed to be related to the amount of money a person earns, the size and location of his/her house, and the vehicles they ...
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The Sound of Success
by Arleen M. Kaptur.Successful people are everywhere. They are in the newspapers, on television programs, and are being interviewed and their words written down by reporters for all kinds of magazines and journals. But, how do we know if these “successful” people ar...
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by Craig Lock.Who and what are winners?* Winners take responsibility for themselves. They know what they wantand set realistic goals for themselves.* Winners make it happen, losers let it happen (but then losers Ibelieve are only misguided winners). "Losers" proba...
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by Rhoberta Shaler.Do you know about the "success instinct"? A squirrel does nothave to be taught how to gather nuts. Nor does it need tolearn that it should store them for the winter. A squirrelborn in the spring has never even experienced a winter. Yet inthe fall of ...
Success on Your Terms
by Ted Isensee.Success on Your TermsDo you consider yourself a success? If you don’t, you have lots of company. Only 5 to 10 % of Americans think they are really successful. If you seek more success, ask yourself:?What is success to me??What matters most to me??H...
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The Overlooked Tip To Success
by Donald Schnell.You have permission to publish this article electronicallyor in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines areincluded. A courtesy copy of your publication would beappreciated. The article contains 641 words and isformatted to 60 spaces. The Overl...
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Live a Successful Life
by Doug C. Grant.Article Title: How to Successfully Live Today...TODAY!Author Name: Doug C. GrantContact Email Address: doug @dougcgrant.comWord Count: 831Category: Motivational/Inspirational? Doug C. Grant, 2002~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Publishing ...
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4 Simple Steps To Success
by Cyndi Smasal.You have permission to publish this article electronically or inprint, free of charge, as long as the signature box is included.Thanks,Cyndi SmasalWord Count: 289 words at 65 characters per line=================4 Simple Steps To SuccessCyndi Smasal(c...
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