by Craig Lock.Firstly, ask yourself the following questions: What do you want out of life?What do you value most? What does your life say to you? Which means to say: What has been the purpose of it so far? Ever thought about it? Funny question for all of us when o...
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by Marsha Jordan.There seems to be an epidemic these days of depression. Everyone I talk to, it is experiencing some degree of depression. As I wonder about the cause of this twenty-first centuryphenomenon, I think of my great grandmother who raised my dad in the bac...
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How To Get More From Life Each Day
by Craig Lock.Focus on one day at a time.Live the moment.Forget yesterday and look forward to tomorrow. If you are guilty aboutwhat happened yesterday, or are anxious about what might happentomorrow, your energy will be dissipated.Plan your work, then work your pl...
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Get Out, Get Noticed, Get A LIfe
by David Stoddard.“If you build it, they will come.” - the voice in “Field Of Dreams” - Works well in the movies, but in real life, it just doesn’t quite work out that way.Business owners know it. They understand that once they build their shop, they need to...
Building A Positive Life Attitude
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Me - A Gold Medalist In Life?
by David Stoddard.Madams and Masseurs, welcome to the award ceremony of our time.The event: LifeThe competition: Control of our feelings, activities,plans, thoughts and goals.Judging: Should and must only be done by the individual.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * FINAL STA...
10 Things Between You and A Great Life
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Your Life - Your Values
by Myrtis Smith.Everyone has things in their life they value. Some people value family and community, others value wealth and having fun. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to values, they just are. Regardless of what you value, all values adhere to o...
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How to Create Your Ideal Life.
by By Barbara Rose.When I lost it all, I felt powerless. During my darkest hours, I wrote letters to God asking “why?” I received answers in writing. If you have either lost it all, or you are not passionately thrilled with your life, here is how you can turn it al...
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The Carver--A Life Lesson Story
by Alice Steinbart.In a provincial city, there lived a woman who carved small wooden statues for a living. Her carvings were from softwood, because it was easy to work with. Most of the other carvers also worked in softwood. A few worked in stone, making large magnific...