Its In The Habits!
by darwin.Do you want to know the true secret to success in life and business? I am sure you do. Everyone wants to know this secret. If you have this secret in your heart and mind, if you live it, for you no limits will exist. It is really very simple. I mysel...
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The Winning Spirit
by runner.The personal success is a mind-state more than anything else. If a person honestly thinks he will get the things he wants, he will do so.Researches about successful people.A lot of studies have been made about this topic and as a common result: to ac...
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The Definition of WOW
by kimberlyking.Are you striving to be the best of the best in your business? It's not enough to just be "excellent" or "outstanding" anymore. A company must be "WOW" in order to survive and thrive. Does WOW just mean providing great customer service? WOW is MUCH m...
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Confidence Is Money
by martinchandra.Self-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within...
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The Power Of Focus
by snickers05aussie.One of the most compelling reasons why businesses fail, or business owners, managers, and sales people do not succeed is their lack of keeping a focus on what is vital, important, and results oriented. It is this lack of focus that can bring any wel...
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The Discipline of Innovation
by viper58.In the hyper competition for breakthrough solutions, managers worry too much about characteristics and personality: Am I smart enough? Do I have the right temperament? -- and not enough about the process. A commitment to the systematic search for ima...
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Focus On Ends Rather Than Means
by viper58.Develop a razor-sharp picture of where you want to land at the end of your quantum leap. Make your goal specific. Pay careful attention to the details.Focus on this goal constantly in your thoughts and imagination. Carry in your mind a picture of you...
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The Rhythm of Success
by judilynn.Recently, a colleague of mine whom I have known for quite some time, had called me to ask 'what was my trick for success?' Although I was initially flattered to be viewed upon as 'successful', there has never been any 'tricks' used in my career and I...
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How to Stop Feeling Like an Imposter
by kimpark.I recently read an article in the September 2006 issue of Inc. Magazine titled, "The Imposter Syndrome: Why Do So Many Successful Entrepreneurs Feel Like Fakes?" Here are some surprising statistics from that article:1. 2 out of 5 successful people co...
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How To Be Consistently, Creatively Productive
== Flash back two years == As I sit down to write an article, I feel stumped. I've got an hour to "get it done," and meanwhile I'm just staring at the screen... 55 minutes later, with a few sentences written, I have to stop, and I'm off to the next t...
Why Dreaming Big Can Keep You Small
I remember when I was in another business, and as part of my support network we were dreaming up vision statements. I don't exactly remember what I came up with, but something that included words like "huge," "global," "number one," "best-known."It w...
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Virtually Assured of Success
by justarticles.Taking advantage of a home business opportunity can also mean giving up a rock solid biweekly pay check for the hope that your new idea will succeed and make you rich - before you starve. If you don't want to take this risk, really want to venture ou...
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Building Your Dream
by mybestseller.Entrepreneurs often find themselves faced with a vision-stopping dilemma when they seek to transform their persona from "dreamers" to "doers." Many people cannot envision themselves beyond their current situations and circumstances and therefore they...
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Effective Poverty Consciousness
by MarkSilver.Abundance consciousness is all the rage these days. And why shouldn't it be? You want your business to be abundant with cash, and you want to be abundant in your giving as well.It's always painful to me watching folks trying to reeeaaaacccchhhhh for ...
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Success Is Like Wine
by youngnetprenuer.If you have been searching for ways to make money online I'm sure you have come across many "get rich schemes". These are everywhere. The only person who gets rich is the one who created the scheme and only for a short while before that person gets...
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Success - The Psychic Component
by reikizach.I'm sure you have noticed the difference between the successful and strong men in any walk of life, and the unsuccessful weak men around them. You are conscious of the widely differing characteristics of the two classes, but somehow find it difficult...
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Dream the Impossible Dream
by srana25.To think of riches, when one is in the condition of poverty or lack, requires sustained and concentrated thought; but he who practices this disciplined thinking inevitably becomes rich, and he can have whatever he wants.~Joseph MurphyHow do you seize...
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Do You Need A Change Of Mind?
by srana25.Napoleon Hill, the famous inspirational writer, once met a reader who became a millionaire after reading one of his books. The book, Think and Grow Rich, transformed Bill McCall of Australia from rags to riches.When Bill was 19 years old, he sold hi...
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The Circular Blame Game
by srana25.Mike, his feet dangling above the city, opened his lunch box and groaned. Todd, his friend, a fellow construction worker on the high-rise, pretended that he hadn't heard the groan. Rick, more aggressive, asked, "Is it peanut butter and jelly again, M...
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