Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Motivation

The Mirror Man
by Peter Murphy.Lady Twilight felt angry. It was one of those days when she wasdoing her best to be nice to everyone but nobody was being niceto her.What if people could be friendlier she thought to herself as shewandered through the open air market. It was a warm, ...
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Dont Stop Short of The Final Hurdle
by Wendy Hearn.Have you been working towards something you want to achieve and do you feel at times like giving up? Do you wonder if it will ever happen? Perhaps you feel frustrated or fed up and this can stop you in your tracks. To achieve what you want in life an...
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The Power of Appreciation
by Lisa Van Den Berg.I was driving down the highway the other day. I was in the slow lane, adhering to the speed limit, when suddenly the truck in front of me had to brake sharply because of a slow moving truck in front of him. I was in one of those situations where I wo...
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At First Glance
by Julie Jordan Scott.I admit it. I am a junkie when it comes to learninghow to learn. Thinking, the brain, solutions, philosophy. Iwould rather talk, think, read or listen to these topicsthan almost any other. I really enjoy applying these concepts tomy work, my business...

Spend Your Passionate Riches
by Julie Jordan Scott.At an early point in my life, my father called me Sarah Bernhardt. Miss Bernhardt was the premier actress of her day. She was especiallywell known for her overemotional histrionics. Each Sunday morning I put on an incredible show. My Mother would go ...
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Christopher Columbus: What do You Think of That?
by Julie Jordan Scott.Yesterday was warm and sunny.My children and I enjoyed frolicking in the swimming pool, each of us adding pink to our cheeks and smiles to our faces.What a surprise to wake up this morning to a cold wind blowing and theappearance of thick rain clouds...

Are You Achieving Your Potential?
by Martin Avis.Sometimes I think that we have our priorities back tofront. Achievement is seen as the pinnacle to aim for.I have come to think that this is wrong.My 12-year old daughter, Lauren, came home from schoolyesterday, proudly waving her grade book. She had...
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Well, Well, Well: A Deep Topic
by Sandi Lynn.Recently the facilitator in my classroom discussion group asked eachperson to describe the three greatest problems that troubled them. Aswe did this we became so depressed that we could not complete theassignment. We found that most of us were famili...

by Timothy L. Drobnick Sr..Hope is a powerful emotion. Hope can get you through those days the boss is screamingat you. Hope keeps you humming while you are walking down the road because your car ran out of that last 50 cents worth of gasoline. Hope keeps you in a good mood wh...
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Naming And Claiming
by Stephanie West Allen.A Joy-propelled Life For You Name yourself joy for today. Or maybe make joy yourmiddle name. Make joy as much a part of you as yourname is. Why? Because a joy-propelled life is anextraordinary life.Joyful people create astounding lives for themselves...
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Loosen Up Your Mind With Gratitude
by Stephanie West Allen.Boston Bovines Hold The Answer For YouDid you know that our brains are full of cow paths? Robert Fritz begins his book _The Path of Least Resistance_,by explaining how the streets of Boston were laid out; they do not seem to be the result of any plan...
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by Arleen M. Kaptur.“Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.”(Mark Twain)Safe is a word that many people use every single day. Safe is also a place where everyone wants to be. We are then secure and nothing will hurt us. The truth is that while nothin...
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by Stephanie West Allen.A magical maxim is WYTUG. You can remember WYTUG because it sounds like “Why tug?” So many of us are tugging at our life, trying to pull it along as if it was an obstinate, stubborn, headstrong mule. Why do that? Your life can be like the old chi...
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Music of the Heart Will Not Be Silent
by Stephanie West Allen.Most of Beethoven’s masterpieces were composed whilehe was deaf. He had inside him music that would not bestilled by life’s circumstances. His music triumphedover suffering.The last movement of the Ninth Symphony is choral musicBeethoven set to F...
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What I Learned From Barbies Mom
by Donna Schwartz Mills.When my daughter received a gift certificate at KB Toys forher birthday this month, she announced her intention tospend it all on Barbie.Never mind the fact that she already owns a VeterinarianBarbie, Lifesaver Barbie, Prom Queen Barbie, two BarbieBa...
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by Arleen M. Kaptur.Daily life can range from ecstatic to something less than traumatic. It covers all territories in between. Every man, woman, or child will encounter problems, and annoyances, disappointments and pain. No one is given the privilege of not feeling - th...
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Potential: Got Any?
by Susan James.I have a friend, who just recently discovered the beauty offollowing his heart. This friend is busy, family, work/businessall the "normal" life stuff, however his life was always full &fun, but still resting on the frantic side.Since he has now chose...
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Barbie & Ken Frequency
by Susan James.As children, some of us have dolls and cowboy boots and hats,and holsters and guns, with caps of course !! Some have GI Joe and Barbie & Ken Dolls. W had the Barbie castles, and cars, and we had thoseimaginary conversations between Barbie and ourselv...
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This Side Of The Rainbow
by Helaine Iris.This Side Of The RainbowHelaine Iris?2002I recently took a ride to the video store to select my evening’s entertainment. A dramatic thunderstorm was passing over as I made my way across town in the middle of late afternoon rush hour traffic. The sk...
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by Arleen M. Kaptur.A child is born and everyone is delighted. They ooh and aah over the precious little one but no one seems to take notice of one important detail. This scene of seeing a newborn and admiring the handiwork of life itself has been repeated millions of t...
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The Ultimate Solution to Problems!
by June Mchardy.The Ultimate Solution to Problems! ? 2001 June McHardyIt occurs to me that we, as individuals appear to be defined by our problems. The poor are defined by lack and limitation, scarcity and want. The ill are defined by pain and suffering, fear and wo...
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by Arleen M. Kaptur.Have you ever seen a painting in a gallery that made you stop and take a longer look? What about a book - when you were done reading it, did you put it down immediately or hold it close to you as if to absorb what you had just read into your soul? Di...

by June Mchardy.YOUR COLLEGE ON WHEELS by June McHardyIt is said that once most people leave school they make thedecision that their learning days are over. Most of themwill seldom ever read another non-fiction book, thereforemissing out on one of the greatest resou...
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Humility, Humor, and Humanity
by Stephanie West Allen."Angels fly because they can take themselves lightly." G. K. ChestertonTALES OF TWO PAINTERSThe early years of the great painter Paul Cezanne were difficult and his career was, from the very start, troubled with frequent rejection and failure. His fa...
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by Stephanie West Allen.When You Wish Upon A StarAster means star. Dis-aster occurs when you don’t honor your star.Your star. That place in you that holds all your brilliant qualities, traits, and talents. You know when you are operating from your star. Your Fabulous Four...
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