Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Bodybuilding Guide

A 20 Minute Cardio Routines for a Better Body for Women
by Taylor Ryan. For years I was under the impression that I would reach my physical goals through cardio exercise alone. I was afraid of the weight side of the gym and felt that women should remain at the elliptical machines. NOT TRUE. It was no surprise that I nev...
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How to Maximize Your Diet for that Ripped Physique
by Corbin Newlyn. You will find that there are some bodybuilders that have the capability to make extreme changes in a short period of time and integrate in their bodybuilding diet program in an immediate way. However, for most people involved in bodybuilding the roa...
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The Hidden Benefits For Women To Weight Lift
by Taylor Ryan. I think it is safe to say that we all know that if we incorporate weight training as a method of fitness that women are going to gain muscle mass. But, this is only one benefit behind women's weight lifting! Let us call these benefits the magic 7! ...
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10 Commandments of Not Sweating Your First Workout
by Taylor Ryan. We all know that starting a workout plan at the gym can be overwhelming in many different ways. If you have not been before, or have not been for a long time, it can seem as though everyone knows what they are doing but you. Do not sweat it, everyon...
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10 Tips For Women to Improve Their Fitness Health
by Taylor Ryan. Here are ten tips to improve your fitness health. Even athletes who are incredibly fit may not be really healthy. They often tread a fine line between health and illness or injury.1) Listen to your body. As you are training it is easy to become preo...
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11 Quick Tips To Boost Your Metabolism
by Jeffrey Benson. There are a lot of people who would give a lot to increase their metabolism. Having a high level of metabolism enables one to maintain burn fat and lose weight fast with the least amount of activity. Metabolism is the rate by which the body produces...
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Women Should Slow It Down To See Toned Muscle Results
by Taylor Ryan. A great way to challenge your workout and really get your muscles to bulk a bit is to spend more time on your actual movements. Instead of doing fast reps with small to medium weight to exhaustions try this technique: make your movements take 3-5 co...
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A Time for Training
by Sandra Prior. If you were physically active in your youth, it will be easier to start bodybuilding in midlife. Bodybuilders who may have stopped training for 10 years, return to it and recover their f
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Bodybuilding - Tha Facts You Need To Know
by Martin Haworth. Many people have taken up the challenge and decided that they want to maximize their bodies' potential. So, first up is ascertaining exactly what exactly is the next level?It is none other than bodybuilding!People who body build are not only keeping...
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5 Annoying Problems in Gyms Across the US
by John Izzo. 1.) "Functional Equipment Being Used for Bodybuilding Exercises"I guess this is more or less a pet peeve, or it can be viewed as a lack of variation in exercise select
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Nine Simple Ways to Increase the Intensity of Any Workout
by Marc David. Beginners usually do not need such advanced concepts simply because as a beginner, pretty much anything will work as it's new to your body. You don't need to bump up the intensity bec
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Natural World Teen Bodybuilding - Teenager Body Building
by Alien. In the present times, the trend of teen body building is gaining momentum, luring the youngsters to head their way to gyms. There are many benefits of teen bodybuilding. It can keep teen oc
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Glandulars......one More Time
by Sandra Prior. I'd like to say a few hundred words about glandulars. That's right - glandulars. They're making a comeback. Now that steroids are getting major attention from local and national

Massive Muscle Building
by Anthony Robbinson. If you could only do one exercise for mass per body part, what would it be? The way to build mass is maximum overload in minimum time. Overload consist
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Simple Steps to Six Pack Abs
by Killermule. At one point in time, every last one of us passionately wanted a chiseled rock-hard mid-section. We all want to know how to get great 6 pack abs. Well here is one of the best kept secrets. It is the most coveted body part, the symbol of sexuality. I...
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The Biggest Muscle Building Fallacy in Bodybuilding
by Scott Abbett. I've just read yet another article about bodybuilding which only shows more evidence that writers of this sport or hobby are only too happy to regurgitate the same old tired out information that's useless at best and a complete crock of doodie at wo...
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Arm Training: Tips for Building Bigger Guns
by Anthony Robbinson. Along with chest and back, bodybuilders have always thought massive arms to be the most impressive body part of course! When you look at photos of
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Building Bigger and Stronger Arms
by Joshua Watson. Building Bigger and Stronger Arms Big arms have been much sought after by many people who work out in the gym, and for good reason. For one, the arms are one of the most visible parts of the body. In fact, inferior arms are hard to hide, even with l...
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How Steroids are Used?
by stan olson. I f anyone is considering using steroids it is essential to have an understanding of the potential benefits and side effects of using them.It is important that the user should not be unrealistic in expectations and realise that large and permanent g...
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Gain Muscle, Lose Fat. Building your Body your Way!
by Anthony Robbinson. Let’s talk about the following types of weight bearing exercises and how they work.1. Strength training2. Mass Training3. Fat Burning
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The Six Pack Secret
by James Finnegan. Ask anyone in America: If you could have any body part instantly be better, they'll all tell you the same thing: I want a six pack! Ask any trainer America what's the hardest muscle group to build, they'll all tell you the same thing: the six pack!W...
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Why Speeding Up your Metabolism is so Important for Bodybuilders
by Terry Edwards. There is no doubt that your metabolism affects your weight as well as your efforts in bodybuilding. Being able to speed up your metabolism is important in losing weight and strengthening your body. One of the best ways of speeding up your metabolic ...
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Consequence of the Existing Steroids for Sale
by Clint Jhonson. Different case reports and various small studies have indicated the fact that these anabolic steroids, particularly when used in higher doses, are able to increase the user’s aggression and irritability. Some reports have shown the fact that ...
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The Myths of Deca Usage
by Clint Jhonson. Deca is just one of the many steroids that have come along with many misconceptions; people do not know exactly how the steroids are going to work or affect their lives. They do not even know why all the steroids are dangerous. If a person wants to ...
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Muscle Building Drink
by Sean M.. One of the most misunderstood concepts in the world of muscle building is the protein drink. I remember when I first started supplementing my diet with protein shakes. Some of my friends asked if I had noticed any differences in my training like I w...
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