Editorials » Health & Food » Health

The Easy Way to Quit Smoking
by jonty79.The question on every smoker?s yellowing lip will always be "Is there an easy way to quit smoking?? The instant answer to that would be yes, as there is a mountain of anecdotal evidence to suggest it is possible. There are millions of smokers who can...
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Quit Smoking This Year
by charisma.It is now a fact that smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and reducing the health of smokers in general. It is also a fact that quitting smoking has immediate as well as long term benefits. Smoking cigarettes with lowe...
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Smoking Finger Syndrome
by scubaman.There is an interesting side issue relating to smoking that has to do with fingers. For the sake of this discussion let us call it Smoking Finger Syndrome, or SFS. When you smoke for a while, the chances of developing SFS are twenty to one (by Las Ve...
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How To Make The Right Choices To Help You Quit Smoking
by teahupoo.The first thing you have to do in order to be successful in your quest to stop smoking is to make a conscious choice that you have that goal. The mechanics of how you go about achieving your goal will vary among different people with some using the p...
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Tools to Help You Stop Smoking
by scubaman.There are many tools available to help you successfully navigate the first few difficult weeks after quitting cigarettes. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).This includes nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, sprays and lozenges. Sprays and inhalers requi...
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Some Of The Main Reasons You Should Stop Smoking
by teahupoo.The addiction to nicotine is a powerful one to overcome. Cigarette manufacturers have known this for ages, which is why they at one time developed chemicals that would aid in increasing the nicotine transport to the bloodstream to enhance and intensi...
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Debunking the Glamour of Smoking
by jonty79.The anti-smoking lobby often make a crucial mistake in their campaigning. They lose sight of their target audience - children - and go after established smokers. Let me tell you right now that attempting to turn the screw on a smoker is the most coun...
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Quit Smoking - For Your Healths Sake
by maccafdh.In the US it is estimated that 30% of the 570,000 cancer deaths in 2005 were caused by smoking. In the UK smoking kills approx. 114,000 per year or 300 per day which equates to 20% of deaths.Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the U...
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Some Reasons Why It Is Difficult To Stop Smoking
by teahupoo.There are many reasons that it is difficult to quit smoking and the severity of each of these varies with each person.Foremost, this is because most smokers become addicted to the nicotine contained in tobacco products. Nicotine has a deadly addicti...
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Smoking Is Not Rewarding Yourself
by scubaman.Smoking plays a number of roles in people's lives, with no two smokers or habits being exactly alike. However, numerous psychological and behavioral similarities often characterize the use of cigarettes in our daily routines. If smoking has become a ...
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The Psychology of Quitting Smoking
Many experts believe smoking is only about 10% physical addiction and a whopping 90% psychological addiction. Your body will recover fairly quickly from nicotine withdrawals (the worst symptoms usually abate in three days or less), but your psycholog...
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Some Health Risks Created By Your Smoking Habit
by teahupoo.By smoking, you are putting yourself at several health risks. Cigarettes contain several different toxins and chemicals that move throughout your body, leading to different types of problems. These vary from mild problems to severe health risks tha...
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Using Acupuncture To Quit Smoking
by 2clickhere.After dinner, Donna was sitting in a comfortable armchair and was enjoying an after dinner cigarette. She got up and went to go check her email account. She saw an email that said, "Stop Smoking Now!"This email definitely caught her attention. She h...
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Best Known Ways to Quit Smoking
by 2clickhere.When you realize that your health is in danger because of smoking or that your budget is very much affected by this or you were just struck by the idea of giving up this vice you are very fortunate to know that there are a lot of ways to quit smoking...
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How To Get Quit Smoking Support
by 2clickhere.The best quit smoking support you can provide is to offer patience, understanding and love and make the smoker's life easier in the first few days. So you will find some advices about how you can support a smoker who wants to quit.UnderstandBecause o...
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Smoking Cigarettes is an Addiction
by scubaman.There are a lot of good reasons to quit smoking. You can think of the hurt that it causes your loved ones. You can think of the way that it ruins your teeth, your skin, and your clothes. You can think of the dirty litter that you are creating. You ca...
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Smoking Used For Measuring Time
by scubaman.Cigarettes serve many purposes in a day. Killing time while waiting for an appointment, filling time during your break, and can function as a way to signal the end of a task, or the beginning. They help break up the day, occupy your down time, serve ...
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How to Quit Smoking For Yourself
by teahupoo.Thousands of people are addicted to smoking, and, every day, thousands of people fight the battle of breaking this addiction. But, how can someone go about successfully quitting smoking? There are many reasons to quit, but the most important reason...
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Quit Smoking - Ready, Steady and Go
by TheBusinessPro.When most people think of quit smoking, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to quit smoking than just the basics. If you don't have accurate details regarding quit ...
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Some Of The Health Risks From Smoking
by teahupoo.Scientific evidence of the health risks posed by smoking go back to the 1950s. Figures from the US government show that 28% of males 18 years old and above and 23% of females in the same age bracket were into the habit in the mid-1990s. The percentag...
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Health Costs and Other Costs of Smoking
by scubaman.A recent study found that in total, smoking costs the United States approximately $150 billion each year including lost productivity and health costs. Other studies estimate the real cost of cigarettes to be about $40 a pack, once all the related med...
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Stop Smoking Today And Extend Your Life
by marclindsay.One of the hardest things to do is stop smoking cold turkey style. Personally its not one of the best methods. If you're looking to stop smoking maybe its not all about the technique, maybe its about personal reasons. It could be a close friend or fa...
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Smoking - Handling the Pain
by TheBusinessPro.This article explains a few things about smoking, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know. When you ask smokers the cause for their smoking, their instant reply will be to de-stress. Suppos...
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Start Smoking Now!
by sayush.Remember the Marlboro guy? You don't see those sorts of ads promoting tobacco products on TV anymore. Back in the day, it used to be cool to smoke. Today we know, more than ever, the many health problems that are associated with smoking a tobacco pro...
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Smoking:quit Today
by Alexis-Blaise Kenne.Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. There are no physical reasons to start smoking. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addict...
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