Editorials » Family » Motherhood

How To Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed By Motherhood
by Salenakulkarni.Becoming a new mom really changes you. You may find that you're feeling edgy, nervous, self conscious, and more. You are probably experiencing a whole range of emotions that you don't understand. What can intensify these feelings is the fact that you...
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How To Be The Best Mother
by Jigfo.Gather as many helping hands as you can. New baby requires lot of time attention space, and during this time asking for help doesnt mean you a bad mom. Just because you're a mother, that doesn't mean you have to be Wonder Woman. Recruit everyone you ...
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What Do Mothers Want?
by Dr. Dorree Lynn.WHAT DO MOTHERS WANT?I had a mom, I am a mom and two of my daughters are moms. I loved mother’s day. It was a wonderful contest ---which mom could call the other first. Gifts galore and all the love expressed was wonderful. But, that’s only one d...
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Mother & Son: A Decade Together
by Valerie Zilinsky.As we welcome the beginning of a new year, I am also reminiscing about an entire decade that I've spent as a mother to my son. My adult life began in 1991, when the birth of my son forced me to grow up unexpectedly fast. Admittedly, I made some mista...
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Mothers Day - A Royal Event
by Arleen M. Kaptur.Mother's Day is truly a Holiday for that very special person in your life that has catered to, taken care of, and brought you to where you are today! She has served countless meals, washed thousands of dishes, kissed hundreds of "owies" and has been ...
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My Mother, the Person
by Heidi B. Lapin.I left home at 17 and got my own apartment. I was very rebellious and independent. The first few months away from home, I was excited, but deep down I felt the insecurity of not having my mom, my safety net, to take care of me if and when I may be in...

Doing Dinner: Confessions Of A Radical Mother
by Maya Talisman Frost.I love slow living. It's peaceful, meaningful and downright radical in a go-go world. According to a recent article in (appropriately enough)Time magazine, groups of harried parents across the USA are joining a wave of slow living advocates by doing ...
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Is Mothering Wearing You Out?
by Margaret Paul, Ph.d..The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long as the author resource box at the end is included, with hyperlinks. Notification of publication would be appreciated. Title: Is Mothering Wear...
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A Tool to Help Mothers Order their Lives
by Lisa M. Hendey.The Orderly Days planner, by Kate Conway and Motherhood Press, provides a new perspective on time management. The first thing you’ll notice when you receive your Orderly Days planner is the small Rosary ring clipped to the inside of the three ring ...
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The Origins of Mothers Day
by Tony Luck.Motherhood has been celebrated since ancient times. The ancient Greeks paid homage to Rhea, the Mother of Gods; and there are records of the ancient Romans worshiping a mother Goddess known as Cybele as early as 260 BC. Festivals took place in the sp...
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1-800 Im calling Heaven to talk to Mother
by Rose Desrochers.For those of you that will be glowing with smiles, shopping for your Mother and taking her out to your favorite restaurant there will be those of us whose heart will be aching as we remember the last moment spent with our Mothers. Don't keep these em...

What Not to give for Mothers Day
by Alli Ross.Worst Mother's Day Gifts Ever: Forgetting Mother's Day - this is a no-brainer Kitchen appliancesGarden toolsCleaning suppliesDead and poorly arranged flowersSo, what do moms care most about? Moms want loved ones to remember their special day. Most mo...
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The best and worst of motherhood
by Marsha Maung.Until the moment I became a mother, I couldn't quite understand or comprehend the depth when people say “Mothers are the strongest, most noble and loving people in this whole wide world” It’s just a whole bunch of cliché stuff that I could liv...
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Are You Repeating Your Mother?
by Melissa Worthington.Despite our best efforts to avoid it, we often find ourselves repeating the “mistakes” of our parents. Remember back to when you were an adolescent. Chances are you often found yourself muttering something that sounded like, “I’ll never do th...
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Devotion: One Mother’s Perspective
by Deborah L. Shipley.As I gently wake in the morning to the sun’s first subtle peek through my dark bamboo shades, I turn onto my left side and a smile quickly overtakes the corners of my mouth. My senses are filled with my precious child, peacefully slumbering, and pe...

When was the last time we bought a special gift for our mothers?
by Marsha Maung.Yes, like I said, when was the last time we bought something creative, unique and totally special for our mothers to show them that we love and remember them? When was the last time we got them a special gift to tell them that their sacrifice for us ...
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Mother Love
by Dr Randy Wysong.Scientific studies conclude something mothers everywhere have always intuitively known – that the unique love they have for their offspring is vitally important to their development.  A mother’s love and nurturing even directly impacts the b...
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Heal Abandonment and Neglect
by Linda Joy Myers.So many women talk about their relationships with their mothers--no matter how old they are. For some, their mother, from whom they have supposedly separated long ago, still occupies a central place in the psyche. She’s too close, she’s too much....

Weaving the Brokenness - Healing the Wound of Mother Abandonment
by Linda Joy Myers.My daughter puts her arms around me, her brown eyes soft and beckoning. Her rounded belly and motherly curves rest against me, and for a moment I choke up. She is pregnant with a girl baby whose middle name will be Joy like mine. She will be my first...

10 Great Gift Ideas For Mothers Day
by Cynthia Marcano.Here are a few great gift ideas for that special mother in your life on Mother’s Day.10. Weekend Getaway.  A weekend retreat to a ski lodge could be great for the mom who needs a weekend to unwind.9. Digital Camera.  For the new mom, this...
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Memories of Mother’s Day Past
by Michaela Scherr.Yes, I remember well the cold tinned prawns on my plate with a lone crunchy potato that had been zapped in the microwave, for breakfast.  Once there was even a rollmop (German description of a pickled herring fillet) on my plate and a side dish ...
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A Mothers Day Prayer For A woman Facing Infertility
by Veronica Anusionwu.Are you a nurse, midwife or doctor who has no child of your own? Are you someone helping others to live a better quality life and yet you have not experienced the joy of motherhood? I bring you good news at this time of mother's day. Be glad. God can...
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Empowered: The Single Mother, Only Child Household
by Janet K. Nelson.My son is the most precious experience of my life. He is a treasure…my treasure, but never really a possession…just my responsibility as he was entrusted to me when I became his Mother.  Elliot is hope, joy and love. He is one of my best fri...
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A Day As a Mother - No Compromising Allowed!
by Iris Shamble.One thing I can say about being a mother-- no two days are ever alike. A day as a mother brings happiness, joy, tears, discipline, but most of all in it brings love. We mothers must be well prepared for each day. We must keep our minds and eyes open ...
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A Mothers Touch - Its Like No Other!
by Iris Shamble.A Mothers touch is different. It seems Dad always says, “Go ask your mother”. One thing about being a mother, the touch of love, joy, protection, and care comes naturally. These are just a few attributes a mothers touch produce. When your child i...
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