Family Influences
by Len Stauffenger.Nobody gets into life without a family. At a minimum, one mom and one dad are requisite. If you got folks who loved and supported you, that's your lot in life. If you got folks who did not love and support you, that's your lot in life. God is not ...
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Personality Changes in an Aging Family
by Local Music Hits.Personality Changes in an Aging FamilyResearched and Authored by: Michael J. Spindler of Local Music Hits! In the following text, the author is going to explore how his personality relates to interpersonal relationships that are engaged, when interac...
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Esogbue Family, Ibusa, Delta State, Nigeria
by Emeka Esogbue.The Esogbue family is a large and popular family in Umuafene, Isieke in Ibusa Delta state, Nigeria. Umuafene means the children of "Afene". Oral history claims that Afene was a woman; with Afene herself being a woman several people have questioned a ...
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Majorca Family Holiday Activities
by Daniel Eyre.A cheap Majorca holiday is a fantastic getaway for the whole family, and there are plenty of ways to entertain all ages with these great Majorca family holiday activities, with highlights ranging from pirates to parrots. Hold on tight!The Magaluf Pir...
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How Freelancing Changed My Family
by Tisha Kulak.When my only child was born, I was able to stay home with her until the age of eight months. After that, it became necessary that I leave home life and join back into the working world, which meant daycare and even more expenses. I know that daycare ...
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The Challenge of Families
by Margaret Paul, Ph.d..The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long as the author resource box at the end is included, with hyperlinks. Notification of publication would be appreciated.Title: The Challenge of F...
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Families on Fast Forward.
by Maggie Reigh.Do you ever feel like a cartoon character stuck on fast forward with too many things to do in too short a period of time - except that it really isn’t very funny? Frenzied and stressed, parents race about with a never ending “to do’ list, deter...
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Families Can Save on Gas
by Chris Lowrey.??????????? Gas prices keep rising, which takes precious money out of your pocket that your family needs.? Raising children is expensive and now even more of it is going out without the benefit of any additional money coming in.Not all of us can run ...
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Genealogy Helps Reunite Families
by Andrew Regan.When it comes to family, there are few things in life that are more important. And if you've ever wondered who your ancestors were, then you're certainly not alone! No matter how big or small your family is, finding out about your past ancestors is n...
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Shoes Styles For Families
by James Brown.Parents look for shoes that offer the lowest prices because there are so many people who need shoes for wear at different occasions. Luckily, shoes are sold in millions of styles and families are sure to find the right style for the shoe shopping tri...
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Just for Stepfamilies
by Groshan Fabiola.The modern family defies a pat definition. A family defines itself. Traditional definitions fall far too short for the families of our time. Tradition is what we make of it. Families come in all sizes and configurations. One typical configurati...