Editorials » Family » Family Guide

Feel Like a (Romantic) Kid Again
Romantic Things To Do [1k-10k]
Topic : Romantic Things To Do
by Paris Permenter & John Bigley.There are in fact so many ways on the type of romantic things your can do. The reality is that, "being romantic" means different things to different people and couples.
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You Better Not Lie, I’m Telling You Why…
by Dawn Fry.Santa Claus Is Coming Holiday season brings the perennial return of Santa Claus. According to traditional lore, St. Nick flies around the world on his reindeer-powered sleigh. He lavishes gifts upon ...

Growing Pains
by David Leonhardt.Growing up is never easy. Just ask Little Lady, almost three-and-a-half, how hard it is. She’ll tell you. “It’s really, really hard. Half way through the day, my parents are a complete wreck.” Sh...
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Fall - A New Season - A New Decorating Scheme
by Bonnie P Carrier.What exactly is fall? Being my favorite season, I decided to look it up and see how Mr. Webster defines it. Flipping to “fall” I found “autumn”, ok turning to that here is what it says, “autumn, the...
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Easy Kids Party Decorating
by Patricia B. Jensen.Decorating for a kids party can be cheap and easy, yet impressive, if you have the basics in place and use a little imagination and advance planning. Follow these simple guidelines for kids party dec...
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No Paws from Santa Claus
by Jennifer Shryock.The Holidays are coming and children have thought long and hard about the gifts they would most want to receive this year. Trucks, trains, Groovey girls and scooters are popular gifts this year. E...
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Halloween & Hounds
by Jennifer Shryock.Halloween is “fright night” for humans not dogs. Screaming, running, spooky children in masks make many dogs uncomfortable, nervous and frightened. Halloween costumes are fun and are meant to disguis...
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Blogs for Kids
by S. Housley.Flush out the writer in children. Blogging could draw out a young writer and open doors to their future. Consider encouraging your child to start blogging! Children love having an audience. The inst...
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7 Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe On Halloween
by James Kelly.Children aren't the only ones who should be closely monitored on Halloween. The holiday can be a scary and dangerous time for your pet as well. By following some simple tips you can keep your pet sa...
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The Gifts We Give Our Dogs
by Carolyn Schweitzer.Whoever coined the phrase, "It's a Dog's Life" wasn't familiar with 21st century dogs. Time was when the average canine slept outside, ate whatever scraps of food were tossed his way, and if he was l...
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Children After Divorce
by Ruben Francia.Why do some children still do best after divorce and separation? Is there divorce parenting approaches that really work? Read and learn the divorce parenting approaches that really work. Going throug...
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Detergent Dangers: The Answer? Go Natural
by Yolanda Yvette McDonald.People have known the dangers of chemical detergents for a long time, but people also continue to use them. Why? They have either found natural detergents too expensive, too hard to find or not eff...
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Speaking on Behalf of Our Children: Stop Blaming the Victims
by Dawn Fry.How many times have you flipped through the pages of a magazine or newspaper and seen images of children with captions like “Brats,” “Bullies,” or “Mean and Selfish”? Unfortunately, these are common...
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Learn How to Bank Like a Banker
by Kimberly A. Griffiths.The business of banking has changed dramatically over the last decade. Because the cost of doing business the old-fashioned way is no longer effective, banks are interested in changing their customer...
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Save $50 Per Month
by Kimberly A. Griffiths.1. Save up to 50% per month on convenience cleaner cloths by cutting them into half, i.e. dryer softener cloths, face cleanser cloths, etc. Savings: $5 per month 2. Find more thoughtful gifts and bu...
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Getting Great Pictures of the Kids this Halloween
by Jeff Westover.There she was in all her glory. Long white lab coat, frizzy hair, safety goggles -- and a face smeared with the black ash of an experiment gone terrifically wrong. She was, at least on this Halloween...
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Family Matters
by Rosalyn Bronstein.Since the escalation of international terrorist activity a few years ago, many of us have had an opportunity to re-evaluate relationships and reflect upon our lives. This can be a very difficult, and...
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Marriage and the Election
by Rusty Ford.Dear Friends of Marriage, There is a lot of talk on both sides in this election that this is the most important election this century. Most of this is exaggeration to try and motivate people to vote ...
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Dogs & Kids: Happy Together
by Gene R. Sower.Dogs and kids, it's a combination that at it's best can be the stuff of childhood dreams. At it's worst, it can be a source of heartache and pain and even injury. How can you ensure that your child a...
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Balance Transfers Tips
by Claire Bowes.As you probably know, interest rates are at all time low right now and if you aren’t getting the best deal from your credit card company then they owe it to you to either lower your rate, or you owe ...
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Tools and Tips for Keeping the Holidays Organized
by Stacey Agin Murray.It’s November 1st. You’ve walked into your favorite store to buy half-priced Halloween candy and what do you see? Christmas decorations! "Oh, no!" you think to yourself. "That can only mean one thing...
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At-Home Mommy - Entry Level
by Sherri L Dodd.When I left my high-tech corporate job to be an at-home mom, I had no idea of the changes I was going to encounter. No, I am not talking of the usual baby stuff like not freaking out when food or so...

Proudly Display Your Veterans Flag
by Bill Shayler.I sadly remember the day we buried my father. An American flag covered the coffin before being transported to the cemetery. There it remained during the service. At the end of the service my brother-...
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If You Love Me...
by Adeyemi Adetosoye.If you love me, you will keep my commandments… In the love games we play, and in all aspects of human endeavors, maintaining positive relations with each other is a must, to live in harmony and peace...
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What Students and Parents MUST Know about Student Loans
by John Williams.A student loan helps you get through college. Then you come out into a high-paying career. It's a great investment in your (or your sons/daughters) future. Student loans generally give you a good dea...
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