Editorials » Business Resources » Copywriting

Copywriting Secret - Using Personality to Sell
by Milliondollarmikemorgan.One of my favorite lunch spots is a place called Franklins Hoagies. It's just up the street from me here in Coeur d'Alene Idaho. They make Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches in a homey, diner-like atmosphere. The food is always hot but the conversation i...
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Copywriting Tips - How To Create Powerful Testimonials
by Jodiekastner.As a copywriter, you'll find that many of the testimonials you have access to aren't as good as they could be. They might be too vague, or just plain boring. If that's the case, don't think you have to use them. Testimonials can be a great selling se...
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Facts on coywriting
by Tonyhetherington.Even if you focus totally on pay per click advertising such as Google Adwords to promote your website, ebook or affilliate scheme you still need to create compelling adverts and persuasive landing pages or your sales will be lost. But everything you'...
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Copywriting Basics - Creating Testimonials That Sell Like Crazy!
by Jodiekastner.Every great copywriter knows that a testimonial can be one of your best selling tools. Unfortunately, you won't always be handed a pile of powerfully worded testimonials. The good news is that you don't have to settle for weak ones -- even if that's ...
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Lyrical Copywriting
by Rayedwards.This article will briefly examine the field of lyrical copywriting.Copywriting has the same goal no matter the field you're in: to compel a certain audience to buy a particular product. Writing song lyrics isn't any different. In this arena you must ...
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The Demand for Copywriting
by Rayedwards.This article will help illustrate the constant market demand for freelance or professional copywriting.The market will always need copywriters, regardless of the strength of the economy. It was much easier to sell a good product with subpar marketing...
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Tips for Copywriting
by Rayedwards.This article will examine how to gain more clients and improve your copywriting skills.Improving these two skills will help you become far more successful as a copywriter. There are many good copywriters out there that do not have many clients becaus...
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Copywriting: Techniques for a Great Body!
by Wild Bill Montgomery.1) Think about your Readers When writing ad copy be sure that the average reader can easilyunderstand and relate to it. Put yourself in their place. Would youunderstand? Would you say, "That's me"? One way to help you write for yourreaders, is to wri...
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Back to the copywriting basics
by Mark Laing.You've probably read lots on effective copywriting strategies, how toutilise keywords, and various tricks of the trade for making sure yourcopywriting is as effective as possible. This is good stuff ... anythingthat results in a better website is wor...
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Copywriting for the Non-English-Speaking Audience
by Amrit Hallan.The power of the Internet lies in its global pervasiveness. It is practically everywhere. People of all languages access the Net from all over the globe. Just think of it as an infinite vastness for your business and marketing possibilities. Your mar...
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Why Good Copywriting Matters
by Amrit Hallan.Whether it is a web page or a brochure or a mailer or a newsletter, your written words decide the direction and dimension of your enterprise. The written copy of your message can make or break your business. It can make your reader eat out of your ha...
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Copywriting that Sells
by Amrit Hallan.The first thing I learnt after writing my first copy was – it all boils down to how much your copy sells. No matter how good it is, no matter if it beats Hemingway and Dickens in the efficient employment of language, if it does not sell, it is wort...
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The Top 7 Rules of Power Copywriting!
by Wild Bill Montgomery.Here are the top techniques and tricks that today's best copywriters use.Learn them well, remember them always and use them often!1) Research, Research, Research. The biggest difference between good copywriters and great copywritersis research. Befor...
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The $12,500 Copywriting Formula
by Sopan Greene.Have you heard of Brian Keith Voiles? Probably not, butif you have eyes you've seen his ad campaigns and you probably even bought products that he created ad campaigns for. Would you like to have the formula hegets paid $12,500 to put into use for Fo...

32 Point Copywriting Checklist to Bulletproof Your Copy
by Kris Mills.As a direct response copywriter, I (naturally) go through a set process to ensure that my copy hits the mark. A vital part of this process is performing "checks and balances" to ensure that all the important elements are there AND that there are no r...
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Sure-Fire Copywriting Tips
by Angela Wu.As you know, good sales copy is critical to your successonline. Although it's not something that you can learnovernight, here are a few pointers to increase yourresponse rates ...__1. Focus on benefits, not on features. For example, the specialty pet...

Copywriting Successes & Failures
by Karon Thackston.by Karon Thackston ? 2002http://www.copywritingcourse.comIt’s about 7:00am and time to start my day. While my exact routine varies, one of the first things I always do is check email. As the flood rolls in, I have my finger poised on the delete but...
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3 Strange And Twisted Copywriting Tactics!
by Larry Dotson.1. You can build credibility with your prospects bytelling them you can't solve all their problems, butyou can solve a percentage of them.For example:My product can't eliminate all your problems, butwhat if it could take away 97.5% percent of them.Ho...
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Turning Not Into Hot
by Karon Thackston.After assessing the copy, create a to do list of objectives. The remaining items on my “to do” list included, 1. Make the copy more inviting. 2. Draw visitors into the fireplace experience. 3. Don’t just give features… give benefits, too. And...
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How to Copywrite for SEO
by Karon Thackston.by Karon Thackston ? 2003http://www.copywritingcourse.comI recently took on a project for a Web site that sells gas logs that I thought would make an interesting case study. As many people ask me what goes through my mind when I write search engine o...

Its Not About You Its About Them
by Karon Thackston.The goals of the copywriting rewrite were to increase sales and improve search engine positioning for the terms “soy candles,” and “scented candles.” The copy definitely needed some work. It wasn’t “bad,” but it had one major thing hold...

"3 Quick Tips To Becoming An Instant Copywriting Genius"
by Ewen Chia.Copywriting is the ONE skill that will turn words into cash, and it's really the one thing you must learn if you're thinking of selling anything at all.From traditional direct mail and now to the internet, the power of words has already made milliona...
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Revealed: The $12,500 Copywriting Formula
by Sopan Greene, M.a., Www.netmarketingmastery.com.Have you heard of Brian Keith Voiles? Probably not, but if you have eyes you've seen his ad campaigns and you probably even bought products that he created ad campaigns for. Would you like to have the formula he gets paid $12,500 to put into use for ...
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In the Wake of the “Florida” Update
by Karon Thackston.by Karon Thackston ? 2004http://www.copywritingcourse.com/keyword After Google’s most recent update, those in the search engine optimization (SEO) field seem to be standing at attention. As sites that have held long-standing positions in the top 10...
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Customers Are In The Buying Process
by Karon Thackston.by Karon Thackston ? 2004http://www.copywritingcourse.com When you begin to write copy for any product or service, there are a few things you have to take into consideration. The first is always your target audience: who you’ll be writing to. Findi...
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