Editorials » Business Resources » Careers and Job Hunting

Workplace Violence: A Growing Concern
Workplace violence has become one of the biggest concerns for managers, corporate executives and Human Resource Departments in the past several years. In fact, the shear number of incidents of workplace violence is staggering.A report issued by the O...
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How to Knock Down Age Discrimination in Your Job Search
by pmegan.I know. I know. Age discrimination is wrong. But it doesn't stop some people from perpetrating it on others. Especially in the workplace. If your age could be problematic for your employment, you need to be prepared in advance to deal with it.Th...
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Jealousy and Territoriality in the Workplace
by mmmesh.There are times in every company when people "butt heads" with each other whether subtly or overtly. These conflicts, if persistent, can become detrimental to the business and should be addressed if possible.If you are a manager or co-worker of the c...
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Your Jobs and Career Politics
by Marian Alba.Politics, does your work place is filled with office politics?! Does this stop you from mingling with others and makes you just be sinking into your job?Politics has already been a part of a human living wherever and whatever you are doing it always ...
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Discrimination in Employment - Relevant Federal Laws
by Discrimination Guy.Discrimination in employment is prohibited by a series of federal laws. These laws are the following:(a) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (commonly referred to as "Title VII");(b) Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act o...
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The Politics of the Third Gender: Gay People in the Workplace
by Mary Ann Carolyn Dalangin-tordecilla.The battle ranges on among queer people as they fought for their rights in the workplace. In the United States alone, 34 states has the legal right to fire someone based on sexual orientation, while 44 states have the legal right to do so based on ge...
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Workplace Discrimination And Harassment
by Steve Szasz.Australian Federal and State legislation states unlawful discrimination occurs when a group of people, individuals are treated less favourably than any other person or group of people because of their ethnicity, race, colour, sex, marital status, age...
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Discrimination In Workplace
by Biggso.For several years now, United States law has prohibited businesses from assessing or placing judgment upon employment prospects due to gender, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, political affiliation or even handicap in certain settings and situations...
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Gender Rights At Workplace
by Sharon White.However, there are still open questions regarding women’s positions at workplace especially when career promotion is discussed. Women without an education will strive approximately one hundred percent higher to achieve recognition, success, promoti...
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School and Workplace Violence
by Olivia Hunt.First and the main reason is the growing rate of school violence. The changing definition of the school violence has also become the subject of concern is. If only several decades ago chewing gun could have been considered as school violence, nowaday...
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The Problem of Age Discrimination in the Workplace
by Kelly Hunter.Age discrimination is something that happens all the time and there are plenty of people who are ousted by either their employers or their credit agencies just because they hit a certain age or are near retirement age. Age discrimination is against t...
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