Stop Debt Collectors
by Omar M. Omar.Can you stop debt collectors ? . . .You better know you can You can stop debt collectors under the law provided by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you use credit cards, owe money on a pers...
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Why Mobile SMS/Text Messaging?
by Vijay Shukla.What is Mobile SMS/ Test Messaging? Mobile text Messaging, or Short Message Service (SMS), as we all know it, is the ability to send and receive text messages to and from mobile telephones. The text ...
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Yesterdays Hero
by Linda Matias.Wonder Woman makes it looks so easy. She gets up every morning, fights the good fight, calls it a day, and starts the whole process all over again. This is the way most of us begin our workday. We wo...
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Is This Any Way to Run Your PR?
by Robert A. Kelly.You bet! Especially for business, non-profit and association managers who REALLY need to persuade their key outside audiences to their way of thinking. Then move them to behaviors that lead to the s...
Mortgage Planning
by Jeff Blovits.What if I were to tell you that almost everything you have been told about what to do with your home has been absolutely wrong and that one of the worst ways to build wealth is through your home? And...
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Office Politics
by Kevin Hobbs.Office politics! It’s just another way of saying: “The employees are not getting along!” When so much of a company’s success depends on the employees’ ability to work together as a cohesive team, i...
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Different Views in Partnerships
by Dorene Lehavi.A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 6th C: Changing Vision In order for a business to be a success the vision and mission must b...
Control Issues in Partnerships
by Dorene Lehavi.A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 5th C: Control Issues When control is in the picture it is a lose/lose proposition. First, i...
Money Problems in Partnerships
by Dorene Lehavi.A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 4th C: CUMULATIVE MONEY PROBLEMS Conflicts over money are very high on the list of reasons t...
Conflict in a Partnership
by Dorene Lehavi.A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. Conflict Becoming the Norm – Part 2 In a previous article, I wrote about how unresolved conflict...
Conflict in Business Partnerships
by Dorene Lehavi.A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. Conflict Becoming the Norm – Part 1 Dr. Dean Ornish, noted cardiologist, says the greatest cause...