Sales-Using the Law of Expectancy
by drpositive.Studies in persuasion technology show that what you expect tends to be realized. I call this the Law of Expectation, which is also one of the tenants of sales. As a sales professional, your expectations influence reality. I recently came across a mov...
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Feeling Down: It Aint That Bad...
by salesasylum.When I first started in sales many years ago I knew that the toughest challenge, aside from getting business, was the ability to stay motivated and not give up so easy. I mean, let's be real with one another here; we all get in a blue funk (i.e., a ...
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How To Recruit Sales Distributors
by bizavings.Manufacturers need someone to deliver their products to retailers. That is where the sales distributors come in. It is not possible for the manufacturers to set up shops to sell their goods in all the states or to depend on their local markets to mee...
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9 Sure Fire Ways To Build An Optin List Fast
Building a prospect, subscriber or client list - quickly - is a rewarding experience. Since August, 2001, I've built lists that range from a few hundred highly targeted prospects - to lists of over 280,000 subscribers. In this article, you'll discove...
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Increase the Cash Value of your Patients
by hflasch1.We have talked a lot about what it takes to create new patients, and just to reiterate one thing: It takes an awful lot more effort and time and money and personnel than you think. In case that you think that you can't afford any more money outlay fo...
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How To Be a Sales Mentor
by chiptn.Almost every successful sales person I know can point to one or a few people who were instrumental to their success. They can name the mentors who encouraged them, showed them the error of their ways and helped them over the humps. I began my sales c...
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Sell What You Love and Love What You Sell!
by successpro.Ready for some real business? First things first. Hopefully by now, you have figured out that you need to invest both time and money to run a profit pulling business.Right?You finally took the plunge and you have now decided to work for yourself. You...
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But I Hate to Sell!
by davis8325.Are you serious about wanting to earn extra money with network marketing, but you hate the thought of selling? You're not alone.For many, the thought of selling brings images of talking nervously about your product, while secretly hoping and praying...
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How To Get Return Customers
by bizavings.One of the toughest parts of running a small business is building customer loyalty. Unlike big companies, you may not have the requisite infrastructure or funds to invest in big banner ads or give out freebies and discount coupons. How then, do you e...
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Sales and Neurological Levels
by drpositive.Logical levels? What is that you might ask? It is a model created by Robert Dilts a pioneer in the field of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) after studying Gregory Bateson (1904-1980), some believe that Bateson will before long (presumably in the 2...
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Staying Warm in a Cooling Market
by bcorcoran.Bubble, schmubble.There's been a lot of gabbing about a real estate bubble. Yes, the market has cooled. And yes, interest rates have risen. But honestly, I don't see a bubble. What I do see is a leveling in the market with a shift from a seller's mar...
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Sell Anyone Anything
by RSiegel.I had been called into another company to help a rising star from becoming a falling one. His presentation skills were holding him back.When I called his manager for feedback, she offered these observations:"He so self conscious when he's up there. ...
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"Hunter" vs. "Farmer": How Do You Sell?
The cost of finding new customers is estimated to be between 500% and 800% higher than that of repeat or additional sales to existing customers. With profitability, therefore, significantly higher when selling to existing customers, it's time to deci...
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Impact Sales Using Impact Questions
It's all too easy for prospective customers to get so caught up in life's day-to-day obligations that they miss the big picture, pushing aside major ongoing problems for the moment. But moments become hours, hours become days, days become
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Ancillary Services
by bcorcoran.Hazards litter the road to real estate riches. And today, a new and especially deceptive hazard exist, adding ancillary services -- mortgages, title insurance, settlements and the like - too quickly. Don't misunderstand. All these services are import...
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Increasing Your Sales
by yaali786.If you're looking for solid, realistic ways to increase sales, listen carefully!It's a fact. You can have all the orders and sales pouring in if you take the right direction and mind set to expand your internet business.Here are 5 simple easy to foll...
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Would You Want This Done To You?
by snickers05aussie.One of the frustrations that every representative of merchant services has is when they spend a great deal of time and effort into providing the best solution and best competitive prices for a merchant, especially when it relates to their credit card...