Savings Accounts
by Alladin Alon.Savings Accounts Suggesting you to save your money in saving accounts may not sound too attractive, especially when some authors offer ways to become millionaires. But, here's a thought: If you're aiming towards a big goal, but still leave your money...
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Smarter Ideas for Current Accounts
by Ray Prince.When we meet new clients and agree to work together, the number one aim we have for them is that they achieve their monetary and non-monetary goals in life.You have probably heard us discuss some of the component parts to this, such as cash flow fore...
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Emergency Savings Accounts
by John Cook.What do you do about this?The answer for paying unexpected expenses is an emergency savings account.An emergency savings account is a sum of money set aside in an account that is only used for paying any unexpected expenses. Unexpected expenses come ...
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Health Savings Account : A New Alternative
by Lisa Ip.If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve probably heard about the contentious issue of Health Savings Accounts, introduced by the Bush administration in 2003 through the Medicare Modernization Act. At that time the concept generated littl...
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Business Current Accounts
by Alistair Leckie.From rawmaterials and bills through to wages and investments, a company of any sizewill need to have instant access to their funds in order to keep on top oftheir expenses.The firstthing on the shopping list for a person starting a business is a busi...
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Unsecured Bank Loans
by Christian Phelps.If you are not having collateral you feel difficulty to acquire funds as the lenders feel at risk to lend you. But you need not worry now as the banks have come forward with the provision of unsecured bank loans. These loans are the ultimate tools fo...
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