Think Before You Apply For A Credit Card
by Connie Barker.If you check your mail, one item that most people are sure to see several times per month is an invitation to apply for a credit card. Credit card offers have inundated us, whether you are a college student or even a senior citizen. It seems that alm...
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Secured And Prepaid Credit Cards
by Debbie Dragon.With so many consumers looking for ways to rebuild their credit, secured and prepaid credit cards are growing in popularity. Some people swear by them, and others try to avoid them. If you're new to credit cards, you may have wondered how a prepaid c...
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Aaverage Credit Card Debt Range
by Max Anderson.If you carry a balance on your credit cards, you might assume that the amount of your debt is in line with the average credit card debt in America. After all, millions have thousands of dollars in debt and if everyone's doing it, then it must be okay...
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How To Use Your First Credit Card
by Debbie Dragon.Have you recently acquired your first credit card? If you have, you may be excited. After all, there are a number of perks to owning a credit card. With that in mind, if you are not careful, your credit card could, literally, become your worst night...
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Credit Cards For Minors?
by Debbie Dragon.In the United States, people under the age of 18 cannot legally enter into any contracts without a co-signer, but what about the increasing number of parents who are getting credit cards in their children's names? Do minors really need access to cred...
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Credit Cards And Business Expenses
by Debbie Dragon.One thing about businesses is that the business expenses can really become unmanageable, particularly if you do not have a system in place to keep track of your expenses and know exactly where your money is going. All businesses small or large and ev...
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Top Credit Card Offers
by Johnny Moon.Today's credit card market has lots of different options for consumers to choose from. How do consumers know which one of these might be right for them? It is important to do enough research to figure out exactly what's a good fit for your personal o...
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