Wally Conway is President of Florida HomePro Inspections, and is featured regularly on HGTV's "House Detective". As a speaker, writer, instructor, and host of The Happy Home Inspector radio show every Saturday at 5 PM on WOKV 690, Wally blends the right amount of up-to-date information with just the right amount of humor, insight, motivation, and real-world application. Visit http://www.wallyconway.com and http://www.gohomepro.com for more information!
Spring Into Action: Home Maintenance Spring has sprung! Even more important than buds, birds, and bees, spring brings buyers! When buyers are looking for a place to nest, they would really rather not see problems. As it turns out, nearl...... Similar Editorial : Spring Break by samserio. | Source : Home Improvement Ideas
Is There A Fungus Among Us? Mold has taken hold! Not that the microbes have reached out and grabbed us, but rather they have captured our attention. A rash of recent high profile media stories have petrified many people with co...... Similar Editorial : Fungus Nails by Dr. Marc Mitnick. | Source : Interior Decorating Ideas
The Logic Of Emotion! Homebuyers are an interesting study. Watching people make their home buying decisions has brought me to the conclusion that every decision that every one of us makes is based in emotion. You heard me...... Similar Editorial : Loft Logic by John West. | Source : Self Improvement Programs and Articles