Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.
Close Kept Secrets To Weight Loss Lesson #6 - Be Positive I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You're embarking on your own journey and you astound me because you want something more, something that surpasses what you currently know. You are such a gift from God and He is right there with you as you're on your journey to discover you-peeling ... Similar Editorial : Best Weight Loss Secrets by reggie. | Source : Losing Weight
Close Kept Secrets To Weight Loss Lesson #5 - Forgivenes Wow! You must be on fire by now burning and churning up those calories on your way to your ideal weight. I know that taking steps to better your life is not always easy. It takes courage to do this. Sometimes it's easier just to keep in the mind set of surviving and do what you've always done.... Similar Editorial : Best Weight Loss Secrets by reggie. | Source : Tips to Lose Weight
Change Your Mindset For Weight Loss I am so grateful that you're taking steps to take control of your life. You will be amazed when we work together how much you'll uncover about yourself. You'll understand how your thoughts have contributed to your being overweight and you will take daily steps to put together a new plan of acti... Similar Editorial : La Weight Loss by Jignesh Gohel. | Source : Losing Body Fat
Spiritual Weight Loss Well, look at you go! You keep moving closer and closer towards your goal. How extraordinary are you? Do you want to know? You are the most extraordinary person on this earth!! To quote Wayne Dyer, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. With this in mind, how can you be anything bu... Similar Editorial : La Weight Loss by Jignesh Gohel. | Source : Losing Body Fat
Focus On Gratitude For Weight Loss How's the practicing going? Are you spending time each day to practice RET, EFT and affirmations? When you make yourself a priority, then everything else falls into place. When we lose our connection to God, to ourselves, then we get off track. The answer is very simple! Spend time with yourse... Similar Editorial : La Weight Loss by Jignesh Gohel. | Source : Ways to Lose Weight
Close Kept Secrets To Weight Loss Lesson #16 Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #16 Today is the most wonderful day! We have gifts right in frontof us and we are ready to grab those gifts and say WAHOO! Lookaround you at your extraordinary treasures.For my 50th birthday, my nieces gave me a CD by Tim McGrawentitled Live... Similar Editorial : Best Weight Loss Secrets by reggie. | Source : Protein Weight Loss
Close Kept Secrets To Weight Loss Lesson #14 Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #14You know what is so amazing? We get to keep learning how toimprove ourselves. Each day brings a new opportunity for us topractice unconditional love, especially of ourselves. Lovingyour body is demonstrating unconditional love. Think what yourbo... Similar Editorial : Best Weight Loss Secrets by reggie. | Source : Protein Weight Loss
Close Kept Secrets To Weight Loss Lesson #15 Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #15The simple aspect of breathing is the most incredibleexperience. Each day we get to breathe and be grateful that weare alive. Take a moment and take a deep breath and thank Godfor your extraordinary life. He has great plans for you. Youknow this... Similar Editorial : Best Weight Loss Secrets by reggie. | Source : Protein and Weight Loss
Close Kept Secrets To Weight Loss Lesson #13 Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13Life is great, isn't it? Stop and just look around you as you'rereading this and breathe in all that you have to be gratefulfor. You have a computer; you have the Internet; you have theability to type; you can read; you have an attractive,inte... Similar Editorial : Best Weight Loss Secrets by reggie. | Source : Protein and Weight Loss
Exercising And Weight Loss You dont need to suffer with sunburns after having to suffer through your exercise routine. Following these steps can help you enjoy your routine a little more and help make exercising easier for yo...... Similar Editorial : Dairy And Weight Loss by Santoes Monaldi. | Source : Health Tips Pg. 229