No Debts And No Regrets Are you too comfortable with debt? Do you owe heaps of money on your mortgage, credit cards, etc? So did I - it all gets a bit ho-hum. We are all spending more cash lately to keep up with Mr and Mrs McMansion next door, and sinking deeper and deeper into debt. When our parents were young, debt was a bad thing. People spent their whole lives saving up for stuff, so that they wouldn't embarrass...... Similar Editorial : Bad Debts by Aisha Cristal. | Source : Card Credit Debt Management
Taking Steps To Be Debt Free Make this year the year you become financial and debt free. Impossible!!! Not if you follow these few simple steps. How easy can it be - well I have done it and you can too no matter what your situation. First of all face the fact you have a problem! Next look at how to change it once and for all. It's all so easy to get into debt anyone can do that - take a step further and get out of debt. All...... Similar Editorial : Steps to Eliminating Debt by Stephen Ashton. | Source : Genus Debt Management
Lifting That Credit Card Debt From Your Shoulders Are you under severe financial stress with credit card debt, no assets and a salary that does not allow you to meet repayments? Is the situation getting worse by the month, and have you tried to consolidate or negotiate with the bank to reduce fees with no luck? I was in this situation myself at one stage. I needed help and fast! I realized I was probably not alone as many people experience...... Similar Editorial : Credit Card Debt by Richard Greenwood. | Source : Business Credit Card Service
Life On One Income Adjusting to life on one income after the birth of a baby, an illness where one partner can no longer work, death of a partner or a divorce can come as a huge shock. For couples acustomed to living on two incomes or in the case of once again being single the shock is just the same. Keeping track of spending can seem a daunting task let alone coming up with ways to make dramatic cuts. In the case...... Similar Editorial : Residual Income by Peter Owen. | Source : Rebate Offers
Make Millions On Line I want to share with you something that has changed my whole life. Here I was in middle life and so terribly disappointed with the way it had turned out for me. Nothing seemed to have gone right for me no matter how hard I had tried. This really sucked because I had a passion for the finer things in life. I was sick of being in a no brainier job that was boring me to tears - just covering my...... Similar Editorial : A Pickup Line by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Generate Wealth
Card Rate Cut? Just Ask For It I had reached a stage where my credit card was approaching my limit and the monthly charges were crippling. I was going nowhere fast as the charges each month on top of trying to pay some off the total were getting too much! I found inspiration on the Oprah Winfrey Show of all places. I was so impressed by a strategy that helped viewers ask for a better deal from their credit card providers that I...... Similar Editorial : The Rate of Change by Ieuan Dolby. | Source : Credit Card 0 Apr
Pros And Cons Of Plastic Cards Living without credit cards today is a very brave thing to do. You need them for everything from checking into a hotel room to shopping on line and everything inbetween. With the cards comes the temptation, and with the temptation comes high interest rates and charges that add up so fast. Fortunately there are alternatives: the debit card and the bopo card. They both use your own cash, but...... Similar Editorial : P90x Pros and Cons by Jesse Miller. | Source : Credit Card Debt Negotiation
How Dangerous Is Smoking Now I,m not trying to save the planet from obesity - Im not that driven. Finding that site on the ebooksuperstore cbdeluxe was what got them going, and seeing the results kept them motivated.... Similar Editorial : How Dangerous Is Smoking by Sharon Iremonger. | Source : Anger Control
Men And Women Doing It Meet with a qualified financial adviser to create a financial plan specifically designed to help manage your personal economy, also go to your favourite ebook superstore and get further assistance... Similar Editorial : Between Men And Women by Dorothy Lafrinere. | Source : Shrink Fibroids