Changing To A Computer Career For Retired Baby Boomers Us baby boomers're going to shake up the world in retirement, and so we better get ready. The first baby boomers become eligible for (early) Social Security retirement benefits in 2007.Those of you who really want to change to a computer career, now's your chance.In the yea... Similar Editorial : Baby Boomers by Daniel Kertcher. | Source : Job Opportunities
Bird Flu And Illegal Immigration A bird flu pandemic will change many things around the world, and one thing that the United States government must consider in its bird flu plans is the effect of illegal immigration.When people are dying right and left, it's only human nature that people want to blame somebody for thei... Similar Editorial : Immigration to Canada by George Laczko. | Source : Mental Health Care
Why We Cannot Depend On A Vaccine To Save Us From Bird Flu With current vaccine technology a vaccine cannot save us from a pandemic of contagious bird flu. Although criticized as fearmongering, the ABC made for TV movie First Contact: Bird Flu in America was overly optimistic. Neither us nor the French nor anybody else is going to development an... Similar Editorial : Flu Vaccine Hysteria by Lee Cummings. | Source : Mental Health Care
Protect Against Bird Flu The best way to protect yourself from bird flu during a pandemic is to avoid all contact with other people.However, this is impossible for people who must continue to report to a place of employment. Work will be especially dangerous if your job is to meet and deal with the public.... Similar Editorial : What is Bird Flu by alizalevine. | Source : Migraine Treatment
How To Protect The Mentally Challenged From Bird Flu A bird flu pandemic is going to be a great disruption and test of humanity, but even more so to people who are mentally challenged, whether mentally retarded (MR) or who have psychiatric mental/emotional disorders.Of course, all the physical ways of protecting ourselves from bird flu by ... Similar Editorial : Protect Against Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Mental Health Clinics
How To Germ Proof Your Kitchen Chances are there're a lot more germs growing in your kitchen and the rest of your house than you think. Your kitchen is a breeding ground for cold, influenza and stomach viruses, as well as the normal microbes that inhabit your skin and digestive tracts.Even though you think you're a ... Similar Editorial : Proof Writing Software by Gil Lavitov. | Source : Do It Yourself Home Improvement
Bird Flu And Terrorism Bird flu won't stop terrorists, and a serious pandemic may encourage them to strike.Therefore, one more problem which policy makers in the world must watch out for is maintaining security. This will be hard enough when police, security guards and soldiers are sick and dying in large num... Similar Editorial : Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Infectious Disease
Protect Your Family If disaster strikes, how will you tell your spouse and children what to do and where to go?Bird flu, terrorism, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, blackouts and hurricanes -- the list of natural and human enemies seems to grow every day.Storing up food and water and otherwise... Similar Editorial : Protect Your Job by Susan Chana Lask, Esq.. | Source : Mental Health Issues
How To Avoid Catching Bird Flu While Traveling International travel has always had its special health challenges, but until recently most travelers were not afraid of anything worse than diarrhea.Bird flu's changed that.The bird flu H5N1 virus has now been found from Indonesia to Scotland and in six countries in Africa. ... Similar Editorial : Avoid Getting Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Infectious Disease
Who Is Most Vulnerable To Bird Flu Right now, the people must vulnerable to bird flu are those who come into close and frequent contact with infected chickens and other poultry.Therefore, the main danger is to rural farmers and chicken sellers in Asia and Africa. Anybody who slaughters chickens, plucks their feathers, evi... Similar Editorial : Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Mental Health Issues
Eating Chicken And Eggs Despite Bird Flu To prevent consumer fears, Kentucky Fried Chicken has started putting stickers on all their containers in the U.S. guaranteeing that their fried chicken is "rigorously inspected, thoroughly cooked, quality assured."From China to Indonesia, Turkey to Trinidad, KFC and other chicken rest... Similar Editorial : Creativity and Broken Eggs by Tony Papajohn. | Source : Mental Health Issues
How To Protect Yourself From Bird Flu OK, so I sound like your mother -- I accept that. Only I'm worse than your mother, because I want you to wash your hands more often than your mother did.And for a longer time and more thoroughly.If and when bird flu mutates into a virus that's contagious between people, we ... Similar Editorial : Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Mental Health Issues
Protect Yourself From Getting Bird Flu One thing that people do to protect themselves from colds and flu is to use germicidal hand lotions. These lotions are commonly recommended by public health experts at the beginning of every cold and flu season. Almost all common commercial lotions contain isopropyl alcohol.A... Similar Editorial : Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Mouth Ulcers
Avoid Getting Bird Flu There's a new and so far little-known way to catch bird flu.By water.One major outbreak of bird flu among wild birds occurred in the middle of 2005 around Qinghai Lake, in China. Recently, wild birds in that area have again tested positive for H5N1.Some experts b... Similar Editorial : Bird Flu by rickstooker. | Source : Mouth Ulcers
3m Bird Flu Mask Even though the media and the public got tired of hearing the same old thing about a possible global pandemic, it is the scientists and governments responsibility to continue informing everyone abou...... Similar Editorial : 3m Bird Flu Mask by Groshan Fabiola. | Source : Bird Flu
Bird Flu H5n1 Virus They may get little or no publicity while the world is preoccupied with millions of bird flu deaths, but they may be able to damage needed infrastructure... Similar Editorial : 3m Bird Flu Mask by Groshan Fabiola. | Source : Bird Flu Pg. 2
Get An It Job So everybody else can sneer at them.And send their resumes to the next employer -- because you got the job they applied for... Similar Editorial : Get A Finance Job by Ian Spellfield.
How To Win A Chess Game Of course they dont replace the study and practice of chess itself. But theyll help you play your chest. Your carbohydrate-bloated, brain DHA-deficient chess opponents will wonder how you got so goo...... Similar Editorial : How To Win A Chess Game by Richard Stooker. | Source : Chess How To Play