State Of The Game: Soccer Clubs In Financial Crisis? Michel Platini, the UEFA president, has already made quite an impression since his appointment. He has already reached an agreement over disputed matters, which resulted in the G14 group disbanding, so withdrawing the threat that it would form a breakaway European league. A European ... Similar Editorial : State Car Auctions by Paul Schmitt. | Source : Soccer Sports
The Evolution Of The Soccer Shoe Soccer players are gifted athletes with physical strength and agility that would put many other sportsmen and women to shame. The finely-tuned, committed professionals that we see playing in the World Cup Finals and in leagues across the globe have access to the most advanced designs of soccer s... Similar Editorial : Online Shoe Stores by dps247. | Source : Soccer Sports
Why England Will Never Win The World Cup In Your Lifetime The state of English football is an interesting one. One the one hand you have a blossoming club scene, with English teams among the most powerful in Europe and making millions of pounds worth of revenue every year. Few could argue that the English Premier League is the most financially successf... Similar Editorial : The Queen of England by Martin Underwood. | Source : Soccer Tournament
Win Your Fantasy Soccer League In 10 Easy Steps So you think you've got what it takes to walk alongside the Mourinhos, Wengers and Fergusons in the new season? Don't be just another Rafa Benitez this season, read this guide and win the league - it's as simple as that. Follow this 10-step guide to winning your Fantasy Football League and se... Similar Editorial : Easy Steps to Work by Debra A. Dinnocenzo. | Source : Soccer Tournament
Can Klaxons And Electric Shocks Save Motorists? I knew someone who was once woken by the sound of traffic cones bouncing over the bonnet of his car. He had fallen asleep at the wheel for a second on the motorway and luckily veered into a line of cones rather than another driver. What an escape that was! He arrived at my house having been e... Similar Editorial : Against Shocks by John Garett. | Source : Car Accident Advice
Car Parking Is An Essential Survival Skill I was thrilled when the Daily Mail reported that Heathrow is to become the world's first airport to install technology that will guide drivers to empty slots and also show them where they had parked when leaving. The technology, reportedly, allows you to find your vehicle simply by inserting yo... Similar Editorial : Airport Parking by rsbombard. | Source : Child Car Safety
Where Will We End Up? A Look Into The Future Of Video Games There is no doubt that video games are in their golden age at the moment. Since 2007 sales of consoles and games have grown by 57 percent in spite of the economic downturn. During March 2008 1.7 billion dollars worth of games products were sold. The games industry is now bigger than films and is gaining more and more mainstream appeal and recognition.Nintendo have helped to bring games to a much...... Source : Final Fantasy 7 Strategy Guide
Blogging Your Travels Can Make You Famous As a medium of communication, blogging has taken the world by storm. The question on the lips of most media savvy communities is whether our traditional media will survive the onslaught. Will blogs eventually kill conventional websites and newspapers? As a social Media Marketing tool, blogging provides endless opportunities at the least cost.Suffice to say blogs are cool; they are a techie thing...... Similar Editorial : Make Money Blogging Online by Joel Teo. | Source : Best Blogging Software
Start Your Holiday The Right Way: Remember The Basics We have all read them, the travelers 'rules' that the tour agent has pinned on the wall: Do some research and understand your destination, carry enough money, take with you a book of contact numbers, medicine, a diary, a camera, appropriate clothes, learn a few words to get by, travel light (don't pack too much or too little), drink only bottled water et cetera. I would like to run you though some...... Similar Editorial : How To Start by Michael Lee. | Source : Holiday Villas Portugal
This Summer Visit Gatwick Aviation Museum Ever wondered if you're the only one having a bad day? That was how I was feeling last week whilst looking at the public facilities at some of the top UK Airports. I wanted to write an article for my blog, so I went on to Cybertraveling. I have been in and out of Gatwick for years but I didn't know of any place of interest outside the perimeter fence. I was pleasantly surprised to read about the...... Similar Editorial : Gatwick Angers Motorcyclists by Derek Both. | Source : Brazil Tourist Visa
How Not To Get Stranded At The Airport You arrive at the airport 2 hours early for security: airport security is such a big deal these days but the line at the security and immigration desk is a stretch of several hundred people. For some passengers their passports have to be photocopied. This means the clerk has to walk over to the copy machine and back each time. The machine is slow and the papers need to be changed. Glancing at the...... Similar Editorial : Virtual Airport by Hans Peter Oswald. | Source : Lowest International Airfares
Airport Hotels; Undercover Airport Hotels Explained Undercover hotels, what are they? Major travel companies have introduced undercover airport hotels at major UK Airports. These undercover Hotels are a cheaper way to book Gatwick Airport Hotels and Heathrow Airport hotels, two places you would normally pay a premium to get a bed. Most of these hotels are within a 10-minute drive of the terminals using the Hotel-Hoppa buses. Usually if you book an...... Similar Editorial : Virtual Airport by Hans Peter Oswald. | Source : Lowest International Airfares
The Enthusiasm And Thrill Of BackPacking Backpacking Wondering what backpacking really is? The definition is varied but the bottom line is that Backpacking is low-budget, independent, round the world, off-the-beaten-track traveling. It is for those travelers who are averse to lots of luggage and conventional package holidays.Backpacking is a term that has historically been used to denote a form of low-cost, independent international...... Similar Editorial : Become a Customer Enthusiasm by Peggie Arvidson Dailey. | Source : Teton Backpacking
4 Hour Working Week We all wish for a job we enjoy, however, whilst we strive for our dream choice of employment it is important to make the most of the free time that we have outside of working hours... Source : Jobs For Hunting Guides
Airport Hotels At Heathrow Make sure you the promised facility meets the basic standard and that quality is guaranteed. The deal must be reasonably priced and in the most convenient location... Similar Editorial : 5 Star Hotels At by Mohan. | Source : The Leukemia
From Sheep To Starbucks: Coffee History In A Beanshell Coffee - it's everywhere. I know that in my town you can't walk down the high street without going past at least four different outlets for the stuff and I'm not even talking about the cafes and restaurants. Starbucks, Costas, Neros... they spring up overnight when not so long ago the closest you... Similar Editorial : Ordering Coffee At Starbucks by David Beart. | Source : Braun Coffee Machine
This Coffee Tastes Like... Animal Poo How many times have you heard, or even used, the oh-so polite phrase, "this coffee tastes like s**t?" As something of a coffee addict I've tasted blends from pretty much every country on the planet and have had some really bad cups and some truly exquisite ones. Having delved a little deeper into... Similar Editorial : Gourmet Coffee Tastes Defined by George Moore. | Source : Braun Coffee Machine
Pizza - The Square Meal That Is Round Fans of the pizza will undoubtedly have a favourite topping combination and will regularly choose the same pizza based on their preference. When you find the perfect pizza, it is hard to risk everything on a new topping as you may regret your decision if the choice you make is wrong.Pizzas are like ... Similar Editorial : Pizza Delivery to Pizza Customers by . | Source : Pizza Menu
The Best Winter Soups And Broths Waking up in the dark and coming home from work in the dark can make winter a depressing time of year. Whether you are a sun-worshipper or simply enjoy warmer weather and longer days - the winter months can begin to get you down. This should not be the case as the arrival of winter also signals the ... Similar Editorial : Five Recipes For Fish Soups by Jack Sands. | Source : Chicken Soup
How To Make The Perfect Sandwich You're hungry, you're at home and you don't have much food in the house. You can't be bothered to cook and you want something that you can eat immediately. You need something more substantial than a biscuit or a mango, so what do you reach for? No, not the cereal, you need one of life's most ce... Similar Editorial : How can you make perfect coffee by Cedricebengen. | Source : Bread Roll Recipes
Biscuits - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly I am a certified biscuit fan. A perfect Sunday to me would consist of a cup of tea, a pack of biscuits, a duvet and a couple of films. Tea and biscuits are simply ideal to lift the mood on boring work days and provide an excellent comforter for when you are feeling down. Biscuits and tea in my opini... Similar Editorial : The Good And Bad Of Coffee by Johnathan Bakers -. | Source : Oatmeal Cookie Recipe
The Worst Foods In The World There are many different and varied foods in the world, all kinds of exotic tastes and preferences come into play when people choose their meal as they look to expand their world knowledge. Some of these foods are disasters as people push the experiment too far. However some of the worst foods are t... Similar Editorial : Coffee All Around The World by Peterwilson. | Source : Online Food Market