About Writer Neel Raman, is an author, presenter, workshop facilitator and coach to many. He has written ‘Hoops and Freedom’, a powerful self-improvement book, in the form of an entertaining fiction story, targeted at those who want and demand more from life. To get the first chapter for FREE and to receive FREE motivational lessons, visit http://www.focusedon.com.au/blog For other FREE offers, visit: http://www.hoopsandfreedom.com
Having A Vision In Life Sometimes getting up is a real chore isn't it. You know you have to go to the bathroom, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to work. So you turn off the alarm, sigh, look at the ceiling. Sigh again.You'd rather stay in bed, wouldn't you, than face the same old same old. It's nice and cosy and warm and you're comfortable. You don't have to do anything except lie there. So you snooze....... Similar Editorial : I Have A Vision by John Delavera. | Source : Balance Life
Living A Thoughtful Life It's so easy isn't it, to get caught up in daily living, making a career for yourself and chasing achievement, and not pay too much attention to asking questions about how you live. In fact, you can choose to let everyone else make the decisions about politics and ethics, and just go with the flow. Why should matters like that concern you? Surely, you say, it's not up to you to ask at all - that's...... Similar Editorial : Living a Healthy Life by pilkster. | Source : Balance Life
Living A Compassionate Life It is truly a privilege to be alive. You have the chance to spend a lifetime on this beautiful planet and to experience the most amazing, the most incredible, the most moving experience possible.You share it with billions of people. Billions of creatures and plants. Huge expanses of breathtaking mountain ranges and powerful oceans.Every living thing on this beautiful planet contributes to its...... Similar Editorial : Living a Healthy Life by pilkster. | Source : Balance Life
Celebrating Your Victories Is Important Joy is one of the most sensational things to experience. It fills you up with light and charges the air around you with such energy, that you can barely contain it. You can feel as though you could throw your heart high over the moon.Joy in victory is especially important because that joy affirms the truth that has led you to that victory. It reinforces your belief that you did right and that you...... Similar Editorial : Celebrating Successes by Bill Lampton Ph.D.. | Source : Motivation And Personality
Beliefs - They Can Work For And Against You Belief in yourself and your purpose strengthen your will and your resolve when they inform the way you act and think. Belief can be a great source of comfort and reassurance, to know that what you hold to be true seems clear and good, and that you are empowered to achieve anything you set your heart and mind to.? After all, your beliefs have been learned through adversity and challenge - you've...... Similar Editorial : B is for Beliefs by Gail Smirthwaite. | Source : Motivation And Personality
Learning From Others On your journey, you will influence many people. By your courage, you'll instil courage in others. By your insightfulness, you'll teach others how to look into themselves and learn to recognise truth. By your determination and vision, you will inspire others to seek their own path and set out on their own journeys.But they too can be sources of knowledge and inspiration for you. Part of your...... Similar Editorial : Learning Through Senses by News Canada. | Source : Motivation And Personality
What Is Courage? Do you face life head on? Do you welcome every challenge and see victory as the only outcome? Are you full of valour and fire, defending causes and standing up for what's right and good?If so, you sound like you might be a knight. A noble knight, riding out to do battle with the dragon every day of your life and making the way safe and clear for those behind you. It's exciting and challenging.But...... Similar Editorial : Courage to Trust by Liz Sumner, Life Coach Ma Cpc. | Source : Motivation And Personality
Why Is Taking Action So Important? Funny how one day slips into the next before you hardly notice it. Sometimes you can just amble along, letting life go by and enjoying each day as it comes, because there's always another day. There's no rush.And yes, life could be more fulfilling. You could be putting more into that course, or that job, or that relationship, and maybe next year you'll knuckle down and see about changing direction...... Similar Editorial : Take Action by Daegan Smith. | Source : Motivation And Personality
What Does Freedom Mean To You? Well, what does freedom mean? For some it will mean graduating from school, finally getting out into the wide world, getting a job and earning money. For some it will mean throwing a bag in the car and getting out of the city into the wide open country to breathe good clean air. For some, freedom simply means not being imprisoned by responsibilities and commitments.Freedom is certainly all those...... Similar Editorial : Freedom of Religion by Skye Thomas. | Source : Motivation And Personality
Doing What You Love Think of the very last thing you did that gave you real joy. Was it yesterday, walking in the mountains on a cool, crisp afternoon? Was it today, kneading dough and baking a loaf of bread? Maybe you got home from work, sat on the back step and watched your garden grow. It doesn't matter how small that last special moment was; the important thing is that you connected with that deep part of...... Similar Editorial : If You Love Me by Adeyemi Adetosoye. | Source : Motivation And Personality
Following Your Dreams Do you sometimes get the feeling that life is passing you by in the fast lane and you're just chugging along trying to keep the car on the road let alone get up to any kind of speed? When what you'd rather be doing is coasting along with the top down, feeling the sun on your face.Having wishes and dreams inspires and nurtures us, but all too often we find that we just can't seem to get a hold on...... Similar Editorial : Forget Dreams by S. Kumar. | Source : Motivation And Personality
How Do You Use Your Power? Take a moment to think about what gifts and strengths you have. How do people perceive you? If you took a sheet of paper and a pencil, what would you list as the assets you have that you're proud to own? And, difficult though this may seem, think also about the parts of your character that you feel could be more positive and life-affirming.All the things that you list have an impact on the world...... Similar Editorial : The Power of Ice by Louise Roach. | Source : Motivation And Personality
Be A Leader - Not A Follower When you make the decision to follow your life purpose, it feels like a very personal event. In fact, although it can be a quiet, private decision, its impact will have amazing effects on your life and that of those around you. Because when you follow your heart on your journey towards your dreams, you take on an extra responsibility, not only for yourself but for the wider community. People will...... Similar Editorial : Audi Leader on Four by Natalie Anderson. | Source : Motivation Game
How Do You Stay Committed To What You Want In Life? Staying committed is a challenge. It's a test of your courage and your determination to see something through, and when things get tough it seems harder to stick to the path you've chosen.In the early days, you're buoyed along by the excitement and satisfaction of having made an important decision, and it feels relatively easy to stick at it and give it 120% every day, because you made an...... Similar Editorial : Be Committed by Sheena Metal.
Your Imagination Is Your Greatest Asset You and I have talked about the importance and value of having a true purpose in life, and how best to remain dedicated to realising it. We've talked about the problems you can face and the challenges you may have to overcome in reaching your goal.Always remember that you have a gift you can use to uncover the deeper levels of your purpose and your vision, which can sustain you through times when...... Similar Editorial : Imagine The Imagination by Shadha Kudrath Ali. | Source : Strength