About Writer Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC, is a certified personal Coach and the author of “Fix Your Wife in 30 Days or Less” http://www.markbrandenburg.com/saveyourmarriage.htm Sign up for his free newsletter, “Dads Don’t Fix Your Kids,” at http://www.markbrandenburg.com.
Marriage, Divorce, And Kids It’s been said that one of the problems thatmarried couples have today is that men tend tochoose their wives the same way they choose theircars or trucks.They get the best one available and hope thatthere’s not much maintenance down the road.While this may occasionally be true, there arecertain practices that married couples must followin order to avoid adding to a divorce rate thathovers around...... Similar Editorial : Marriage and the Election by Rusty Ford. | Source : Alimony Taxes
Top Ten Common Sense Rules For Fathers There are a lot of fairly sophisticated parenting techniques and ideas out there that are attracting attention. To be an effective father, you can skip most of them and concentrate on common sense rules that have always worked. They won’t always make you the most popular Dad, but they’ll always be effective: Rule #1 Expect A Great Deal From Your Kids If your kids know that you expect a lot from...... Similar Editorial : Its Just Common Sense by Robert A. Kelly. | Source : Fatherhood
Fathers Tell Your Stories! I must admit to having a fear that I believe I share with many fathers. I fear that I will some day be insignificant to my children. It’s not as though they’ll completely forget who I am; it’s that what I stand for and what I believe in won’t be a significant part of their lives. Perhaps popular culture will take over…or perhaps they just won’t care. The fear is there because it’s so important to...... Similar Editorial : Ghost Stories by LeAnn R. Ralph. | Source : Fatherhood
Top Ten Common-Sense Rules For Fathers There are a lot of fairly sophisticated parenting techniques and ideas out there that are attracting attention. To be an effective father, you can skip most of them and concentrate on common sense rules that have always worked. They won’t always make you the most popular Dad, but they’ll always be effective: Rule #1 Expect A Great Deal From Your Kids If your kids know that you expect a lot from...... Similar Editorial : A Common Problem by Adam Buhler. | Source : Fatherhood
Is There Hope For Overwhelmed Fathers? No man can possibly know what life means, what the world means, what anything means, until he has a child and loves it. Then the whole universe changes and nothing will ever again seem exactly as it seemed before. --Lafcadio Hearn On this evening things certainly didn’t seem to be like they were before. This evening had been difficult. As I was trying to get my kids to bed, my daughter was whining...... Similar Editorial : Overwhelmed and Overworked by renfield. | Source : Fatherhood
Fathers And Sons As a personal coach for men and the publisher of anewsletter, I’m sometimes blessed with personalstories from readers that touch my heart. Thisstory sent in from a father helped me to rememberwhy I’m doing what I do. I’d like to share it withyou:“As a father of two teens, I've enjoyed yourinsight on fatherhood. I was raised in a lovingfamily environment, but just as you indicated, myfather was the...... Similar Editorial : Fathers Day by Ken Marlborough. | Source : Fatherhood
Top Ten Ways To Be A Better Father The expectations for fathers are increasing bothat work and at home. Here are ten ways for fathersto be more effective in the most important jobthey’ll ever have:1.See your kids as capableThe achilles heel of many fathers is to see theirkids as “not good enough.” Your kids will feel this, and they’ll live up to these expectations. The more you approve of them, the greater they’ll be!2.Make time...... Similar Editorial : Like Father by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Fatherhood
Dads, Take Your Kids Perspective "As a child, the critical eye of my father seemed to follow me around wherever I went." (Arthur C. Clarke) It's quite easy for most fathers to look at their kids with a critical eye. And why not? There's a lot riding on the outcome of your kids' development. There's the nagging worry that you're not doing your job well enough and that your child will develop "problems." There's also the fear of...... Similar Editorial : My Dads Secrets by Gary E. Anderson. | Source : Fathers Day Songs
Hey Dad, How Do You Handle Your Kids Mistakes? One of the most difficult parts of being a father is learning to accept your children’s mistakes. It certainly can be easy to be loving, supportive, and helpful when your children are mistake-free, but most fathers who are paying attention don’t find too many mistake-free periods of their children’s lives. Let’s be clear about our kids and their mistakes. There aren’t too many kids who get up in...... Source : Fathers Day Songs
Dad, Give Your Kids TheN Word What’s your main purpose as a father?Isn’t it to prepare your kids to be happy, healthy, successful people in their own lives?What’s the best way to do this?One effective method of preparing them for their own lives is to give them a heavy dose of the word that not enough kids are getting today. That word is the “N” word, or the word no.We all deal with a certain amount of frustration in our...... Source : Fathers Day Songs
Do You Really Want A Relationship? With a divorce rate in this country that approaches 50%, and a fairly sizable percentage of marriages that aren’t particularly blissful, it’s difficult to avoid searching for the answer to the battle of the sexes. Would you like to stop searching? We’ve moved through the old paradigm of getting your needs met in relationships and it has proven itself to be a miserable failure. Why? Attempting to...... Similar Editorial : Relationship Networking by S. Housley. | Source : Creating Intimacy
Ten Ways To Get Your Kids To Listen To You There are times when every parent feels as if they might as well be talking to a block of wood. As with many other things, the harder you try to get your kids to listen, the more resistance you get. Here are ten things to consider when you want to get a message across: 1.)Make sure your relationship is solid. If your kids don’t like you, they’re a lot less likely to listen to you. 2.)Remember...... Similar Editorial : Listen to your Body by Tina Rideout. | Source : Kids Activities Games
Taking Your Kids Perspective "As a child, the critical eye of my father seemed to follow me around wherever I went." (Arthur C. Clarke) It's quite easy for most fathers to look at their kids with a critical eye. And why not? There's a lot riding on the outcome of your kids' development. There's the nagging worry that you're not doing your job well enough and that your child will develop "problems." There's also the fear of...... Similar Editorial : Taking E by Marc Singer. | Source : Kids Activities Games
Ten Ways To Keep Your Kids From Fighting Fighting among siblings is as natural as the changing of the seasons. All parents will have to deal with it. There are some simple things we can do to limit fighting and make it tolerable:1. Ignore Their Fighting Fighting is often a way for kids to get you to notice them. If you ignore their fighting (unless weapons are involved) there will be less incentive for them to do it. 2. Treat Your Kids...... Similar Editorial : Fighting Asthma by Richard Lowe, Jr.. | Source : Kids Activities Games
TV, Video Games, And Your Kids There's been a great debate in our country for thelast number of years concerning violent TV andvideo games.There are thousands of studies indicating thatthere's a link between violent video images andincreased aggressiveness and violence in children.There are also studies that say there's littlerelationship between the two, and that there mayeven be some visual/spatial benefits that kidsreceive...... Source : Kids Activities Games