Are You Resentful Of Your Clients? That might sound like a strange question, but hear me out. You may have a case of Client Resentment Disease. If you are not being paid what you deserve, you will feel resentful each time a client does something - even a little "off" - like miss a deadline, not return your call, asks ... Similar Editorial : Get More Clients Now by Kimberly Stevens. | Source : Sales Strategies
Turn Your Articles Into Cash. Use Your Articles To Create Ebooks Who would have thunk it? You've completed several written articles on the same topic - a good idea if you want to become known as an expert. Now you want to turn those articles into a money making ebook. But how to do it? What's next? What do you need?You could simply take your article... Similar Editorial : Turn One by Jim Edwards. | Source : Social Entrepreneurship
Online Customer Survey Resources One of the key factors in a successful business is to know what your customers or clients are thinking - about your business, your products, your services. As a business owner, you'll get feedback from your current customers just in the course of day-to-day business. But the results can be skewed b... Similar Editorial : Online Writers Resources by John Carter. | Source : Guerrilla Marketing Tactics
Packaging Your Services One of the ways you - as an owner of service businesses - can increase your profits is to create muliple streams of small business income. And the place to start is by designing informational products. The products could be based your knowledge - things like CDs, e-books, booklets, teleseminars, and... Similar Editorial : Packaging of Chainstore Clothing by fusciacouk. | Source : How to Earn Money
Business Owners: Get Rid Of Some Of Your Hats! Weigh the differences. Did you really go into business to be self-employed?About being self-employed!When you're self-employed, you do "ALL the work," of course, AND you're also "the boss," so you do the marketing, the sales, the book keeping, and everything else ________! Th... Similar Editorial : Home Owners by Louise Scoggins. | Source : Home Jobs
Say No To Someone Who Wants To Pick Your Brain Many service-related business owners these days are giving away their business services - and then wonder why people aren't hiring them in droves. In the name of "marketing," business owners are providing way too much information for free. Some shifts in thinking are necessary if these business o... Similar Editorial : Water on the Brain by Ieuan Dolby. | Source : Internet Entrepreneur
Creating A Vision That Is Uniquely You What do you see yourself doing a year from now? 3 years? 5 years?When you die, what would you like people to say about you? Theanswers to those questions, and a few more, can assist you as youprepare the "first edition", of your vision. Why the first editionyou say? Well, if you are an evolving human being, your vision is aptto change as you do.A vision helps to pull you forward - towards ...... Similar Editorial : I Have A Vision by John Delavera. | Source : Assertive
Its Time To Create Your Yearly Theme! Did you have a theme this past year? Will you have one for nextyear? Themes can make your life fun and focused. Have you evergiven a birthday party and asked people to bring gifts with a"garden" or "fishing" theme? I know someone who asked people tobring something they made themselves! What wonderful ideas!To actually get what you want at your party!A theme can help you get what you want out of...... Similar Editorial : Create Your Life Theme by Lisa Martin. | Source : In Confidence
Help! I Cant Handle One More Virus! "There are 500 new virus/worms created each month",according to the website. Whenever I learn outabout another virus or worm that has developed into "mediumor high" status, I shake my head in disgust. Have you everwondered what would happen if that virus programmer turnedtheir energies around and instead developed a positiveprogram for us to use? Can you imagine how terrific thatprogram...... Source : Spyware Adware Detector
Ways To Promote Your Business When Your Passion Is Writing There are at least a "zillion" ways you can market yourselfand your business. Marketing intelligently means findingwhat you're passionate about and then using your passion tomarket. If you are passionate about writing, below are someways to promote your business.Publish an ezine using your original content. You have 7choices on how do develop your Similar Editorial : Business Writing Tip by Robert F. Abbott. | Source : Financial Management Solution
Article Banks Are Internet Marketing Gold What's the difference between an article directory and an article bank?Article directories are one-way places on a web site where the site's owner lists their articles. Here you can read the articles and sometimes these articles are available as free or paid content for publishers.Article banks are two-way web sites or pages within a web site. They are places where authors "deposit" articles to...... Similar Editorial : Article Marketing by Tsuyoshi E. SUzuki. | Source : Purdue Computer Science
Is Your Life Out Of Control? Then Do Something About It! When it comes to living "out of control", often, you're thelast person to truly realize it. It is so easy to becomecaught up in a cycle or circle of negativity,self-sabotaging, struggle, adrenaline addiction (or anotheraddiction) or even depression. Sometimes "out of control"shows its face with us trying to control every outwardperson, place or thing possible. Other times, you may noticethat you...... Similar Editorial : Out of Control by Hal Runkel.
Whats 200 Words Have To Do With Your Computer? When I worked on Wall Street, I considered amove from one type of bond department to a new type ofdepartment. Even though I had been successful in theindustry for 7 years, I was still afraid I that I wouldn'tknow how to be successful in my new department. Then I spokewith one of the other traders, George Adelle, who was alsomoving to the new department, about my fears. He said I'd dofine... I'd...... Similar Editorial : Beyond the Words by Patricia Gatto. | Source : Business Computers
I Love Touring Italy - Palermo, Sicily f you are looking for a European tourist destination, consider the island of Sicily, an island in southern Italy. Depending on your specific interests, this beautiful area can be an ideal vacation spot. It offers classic Italian food and fine local wine. And many parts of Sicily haven't yet been discovered by tourists. This article presents Sicily's historic capital, Palermo. A companion article...... Similar Editorial : I Love Touring Italy by Levi Reiss. | Source : Italy Travel Packages
Get Rid Of Gallstones Your BIG roles as a business owner include PresidentCEOSalespersonPurchasing ManagerOffice ManagerTechnology SpecialistInternet GuruHuman Services ManagerMarketing DirectorAccountingFinance Manage...... Similar Editorial : Bed Bugs Pictures Of by Alva Sovte. | Source : Payday Cash Loan Pg. 12
How To Develop Confidence Everyone has their own fears to deal with. and they might even be the same as yours. Find other ways to build your confidence, too. Email me the ones that work for you... Similar Editorial : How To Develop Confidence by Maria Marsala.
Ways To Say Your Sorry Its as much a part of your services as any tangible materials you produce. So make sure to treat it as such, and get compensated fairly! When you value your services, others will, too... Similar Editorial : 10 Ways To Kill Your Boss by Nitin Chhoda. | Source : Brain Pg. 7