The Anatomy Of Hype On a copywriting board I frequent, someone expressed bafflement that several respected marketers criticized the tone of a sales page he wrote. "Why did they apologize to their subscribers while linki...... Similar Editorial : B Vitamin Hype by Naweko San-Joyz. | Source : Marketing Strategy
Do-It-Yourself Public Relations "Advertising is what you pay for. Publicity is what you pray for." What is a small business owner to do? You have dozens, hundreds or even thousands of competitors around the world. How do you make...... Source : Product Marketing
Overcoming Procrastination What are the reasons that YOU procrastinate? Are you a perfectionist? Do you procrastinate on projects that you dislike? Do you over schedule yourself? Do you have fear of failure? Or maybe fea...... Similar Editorial : Beat The Procrastination Blues by Kathy Gates. | Source : Ego Self
Writer’s Web Resources The Internet has truly revolutionized the careers of writers worldwide. Now you can work for publishers, corporations and a whole range of other clients on a truly global scale. Whether you are in th...... Similar Editorial : A Writers Inner Battle by Grace V. Planas. | Source : How to Write
The Five Easiest-To-Complete Information Products Your first time out of the gate, you’re going to be tempted to tackle an information product project that is much too complicated. After all, you know so much and can’t leave out any of the valuable points! Or, you lack confidence that anyone will pay you a dime unless your ebook, book or cour... Similar Editorial : Easiest Payday Loans by Jonesh Taylor. | Source : Script Writing Advice
10 Smart Moves For Getting Published In Top Magazines Eager to see your byline in magazines like Smithsonian, National Geographic, Parade or Outside? Here are 10 tips on getting past the threshold of "Maybe" to "Yes" at top magazines.1. Put timing on your side. You can change a perennial story, where there's no special reason ... Similar Editorial : Fitness Magazines by Jill Smi. | Source : Writing Persuasive Essay
What Magazine Editors Value From Freelance Writers Ask a bunch of aspiring magazine writers what editors are looking for when they read article queries and I'll bet most of them answer, "good article ideas."Well, sort of. What editors most want to find in queries are good article ideas from writers who have an appealing edge ove... Similar Editorial : Freelance Writers by Yuwanda Black. | Source : Publishing A Book
From Ebook To Print Book: Five Pitfalls Has anyone else noticed a trend of books, both self-published and from commercial publishers, that were originally ebooks and have not completely shaken the unfortunate signs of their origin?1.Since ebooks can be sold easily at 80-100 pages, but print books cannot, the book version gains length through appendices that take up one-third of the page count. Sometimes the appendices are quite...... Similar Editorial : The House Of Print by Tony Dean. | Source : Read Ebooks
What Does It Take To Succeed As An Independent Copywriter? In looking back on the nearly four dozen aspiring copywriters I've trained and mentored over the years and asking which personal qualities posed challenges and roadblocks and which enable beginners to carve out a lasting niche for themselves, I have zeroed in on four key skill areas. To build and sustain a copywriting or marketing consulting business, you need to be or become good in these four...... Similar Editorial : Independent Car Lease by Matthew Meyer. | Source : Advertising Copywriting
Contemplating A Sabbatical Trip? In a recent survey of business owners by American Express, half the respondents expressed worry about jeopardizing a major client account by going away on vacation. A Staples poll found that 37% of business owners can't easily recall when they last had a vacation. So if taking a week or two off is challenging, it's no surprise that for most business owners, the idea of taking a sabbatical trip...... Similar Editorial : Road Trip Anyone by Sandra Mahoney. | Source : Prague Tourist Information
Business Owners: Can You Depend On Wi-fi When You Travel? "Don't worry - wi-fi is everywhere these days!"That opinion is widespread, but as I prepared for a 10-week sabbatical road trip from Massachusetts to Alaska and back, I didn't give it much weight. I would be traveling to some of the most remote areas of North America and needing to check my email each morning and night to keep my business affairs humming along smoothly.Because I found it...... Similar Editorial : PC owners by Jamie Plenderleith. | Source : Portugal Tourist Information
What Affect Business Travel In 2003, I took my business on the road for three months while traveling by car around much of North America. In 2007, I took almost as long for a road trip from Massachusetts to Alaska and back. In those four years, several things changed that significantly affected some practicalities of taking care of business when away from the office and one's home base for that long a time. If you're...... Similar Editorial : Business Class Travel by kalisekj. | Source : Portugal Tourist Information
Ecommerce Shopping Cart Free Ecommerce shopping carts will allow their customers a quick and easy process to checking out their products at their websites thousands of ecommerce stores have already benefited from these ecommerce shopping carts, and there is plenty of shopping cart se... Similar Editorial : Buy Domain Names For by Aisha Danna. | Source : Guide to The Internet Pg. 13
Free Press Release Template Press releases are worth trying and pursuing, as long as one does it right. Take it into consideration and act on it, then success will not be far behind... Similar Editorial : A Press Release Template by Gen Wright.
Host A Talk Show To further polish your hosting technique, listen to top-notch interviewers on radio or TV, paying attention less to the content than to how they keep the conversation moving along and interesting for...... Similar Editorial : A Talk Show Host by Groshan Fabiola. | Source : marketing mix models