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What Is Skin Cancer And Who Is Most At Risk? If you have read a newspaper or listened to the news over the last few years, then you will know that there are always constant warnings telling us to protect our skin against skin cancer. Whilst many people do listen to these warnings, there are still a shocking amount of people who still ignore th... Similar Editorial : Skin Cancer by Dr. John Roberts. | Source : Treatment of Cancer
What Can You Do To Avoid Skin Cancer? Skin cancer can be a very scary thing, especially if you know anyone who has had serious problems with it. Unnoticed, skin cancer can be deadly but the truth is that skin cancer is one of the easier forms of cancer to conquer when you spot it in time. If you pay attention and do regular self exami... Similar Editorial : Skin Cancer by Dr. John Roberts. | Source : Signs of Cancer
Can What You Eat Really Affect Skin Cancer? Skin cancer is something we are all well aware of. The dangers are constantly around us, and we are led to believe that the only way we can possibly get skin cancer, is if we expose our skin to too much sunlight without wearing protection. However, there are some studies which claim that what we eat can also have a drastic effect on our chances of developing the condition. On the other hand some...... Similar Editorial : Skin Cancer by Dr. John Roberts. | Source : Asbestos
How Do You Know If Your Skin Cancer Is Potentially Fatal? Technically speaking, all skin cancer is potentially lethal if not treated. However, there are more serious forms of the condition, though they are a lot rarer. Mycosis Fungoides Mycosis Fungoides is an extremely rare form of skin cancer and it tends to affect twice as many men as it does women. Many people assume that it is an innocent fungal infection when they first hear the name; however it is...... Similar Editorial : Skin Cancer by Dr. John Roberts. | Source : Asbestos
Real Link Between Bad Skin & Depression For the overwhelming majority of people, bad skin is a major concern in their daily lives, but it is something you deal with, something you treat and something you just try to get by with the best you can. But for a growing number of people, bad skin can weigh much heavier on the mind. A recent study has shown a link between bad skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis and severe depression...... Similar Editorial : The Link Factor by Gareth Mailer. | Source : Bipolar Anxiety Depression
Causes And Prevention Of Psoriasis Among the entire gamut of skin diseases, psoriasis is most prevalent. This is an acute skin disorder, which generally afflicts people in the westernized developed countries. Psoriasis is a persistent skin eruption that is often genetically inherited. Apart from the genetically disorders, there are several other reasons contribute to the out break of the same. It is very disheartening that there...... Similar Editorial : Keep Psoriasis Moist by Jim Moore. | Source : Inflammatory Skin Disease
Psoriasis And Its Possible Treatments Psoriasis is a long lasting, chronic skin ailment characterized by inflammation and scaling of outer layer of skin. The symptoms of psoriasis are chronic skin rash condition with a red or silver color and the skin has blisters.The symptoms of having the disease are recurring attacks of skin rashes, small red patches that expands and becomes scaly, red plaques and silvery scales etc. When psoriasis...... Similar Editorial : Keep Psoriasis Moist by Jim Moore. | Source : Inflammatory Skin Disease
How Do You Spot Melanoma? With the threat of skin cancer growing greater every year, you need to learn how to protect yourself against the disease. You must get into the habit of covering up your skin with clothing or sunscreen, and not roasting under a baking sun for hours at a time. If you do spend too much time in the sun, a pigment called melanin could be your downfall. Melanin is the pigment that colours your moles...... Similar Editorial : Melanoma Treatment by dmaillie. | Source : Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema
Have Your Heard Of Axillary Hyperhidrosis? Now with over three million sweat glands over the human body it is fact that you are going to sweat. Sweating takes place when you are sleeping and when you are talking, but for some the process of sweating can be very frustrating as they just do not seem to be able to stop sweating. If you do suffer from excess sweating then there is nothing that you can really do to hide it as the clothes that...... Similar Editorial : Have You Heard About by Mallory York. | Source : Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema
How Teenagers Can Cope With Acne As a teenager, you are probably quite excited about the new world that is opening up to you. A world so different from the one you have known through all the years of your childhood. You may have heard about the teenage years being a fascinating time of discovery. No doubt you are looking forward to the increased freedom you can expect since you are growing up and much, much more. Until the day...... Similar Editorial : Elephants and Teenagers by Rachel Lower. | Source : Acne Treatment
How To Cope If Your Baby Suffers From Acne It may not be news to you that acne is not merely a problem in teenage, or that it can affect people of any age. But did you know that acne could even affect babies? So no matter how bad your acne problem may be, imagine how much worse it must be for babies who are not even able to make themselves understood.You would think that nature could be kinder by sparing babies the misery of suffering so...... Similar Editorial : Is It Baby Acne by vitalgirl. | Source : Acne Treatment
Acne, Separating Fact From Fiction If you suffer from acne, you sure have a problem on your hands, or rather your face, and possibly several other parts of your body. If you think you are up against a bad situation, you could not be more right. That does not sound too good, does it? But in case you are convinced that your problem could not get any worse, you could not be more wrong. And that, strange as it may sound, could be...... Similar Editorial : Down with Acne by Beth Scott. | Source : Acne Treatment
Do Adults Really Get Acne? Most people are aware that teenagers are prone to acne. We have heard a great deal about the hormonal changes that contribute to acne in adolescents. Take a look at any given group of youngsters and you can be sure that at least a few, if not all of them, will be suffering from acne of one kind or another.You probably remember struggling with an acne problem at some time or other during your...... Similar Editorial : ADHD in Adults by infoserv. | Source : Acne Treatment
How Does Oily Skin Affect Acne? As a general rule, acne affects people with oily skin, which is cause by overactive sebaceous glands (oil glands). Your oil glands produce natural oils which keep the skin irrigated in most parts of the body (not the palms or soles), but which oily skin, they tend to overproduce sebum (oil) on the face, neck, chest, and back. Of these areas, the nose is the most affected, followed by the chin...... Similar Editorial : What is Oily Skin by dmaillie. | Source : Acne Treatment
Do You Suffer From Body Acne? Usually, when you think of acne you automatically think of the condition affecting the face. However, for some people, acne also affects the body and it can be just as hard to get rid of as acne on the face. The only advantage to body acne is that most of the time it is not noticeable and in winter most of the body is covered up so most people cannot see it. However, it can still cause problems...... Similar Editorial : Down with Acne by Beth Scott. | Source : Spironolactone Acne
A New You Spa The exfoliating properties on Epsom Salt are top-notch. To create a more relaxing effect, mix 2 cups Epsom Salt with 6 drops organic lavender essential oils then massage over body as directed above... Similar Editorial : 1 Night Spa Break by Mr Hanna. | Source : Massage and Spa In
Afl Teams Round 1 This is not to say that the threat skin cancer and sunburns are not real, as they are, but it does not do to stress about it when all you need is understanding and a bottle of sunscreen.... Source : Skin Whitening
All Natural Green Tea Dermatologists and herbal medicine practitioners would endorse about two to three cups a day, while traditional Chinese culture advises people to have about eight cups each day... Similar Editorial : A Cup Of Green Tea by Spencer Hunt. | Source : Skin Lightening
Alterna Caviar Anti Aging Ask others about their surgeons how did they feel about the results, did it take multiple surgeries or need any corrective surgeries, were they comfortable with the surgeon, and were they referred...... Similar Editorial : 3 Anti Aging Cream by Julie Samtsonn. | Source : Anti Aging Skin