Len Stauffenger's parents taught him life's simple wisdom. As a divorced dad, he wanted to share that simple wisdom with his girls. "Getting Over It: Wisdom for Divorced Parents", his book, is the solution. Len is a Reiki Master, an author, a Success Coach and an Attorney. http://www.wisdomfordivorcedparents.com
Did You See It Before The Wedding? Most of us grew up with parents. During our growing up years, we formed a lot of ideas of what a perfect relationship would be like by watching what our parents did, and in particular, what our parents did not do that we wish they had. We knew what perfect parents would be like. We would be... Similar Editorial : Wedding Rings by M J Plaster . | Source : Advice for Families
Eight Tips For Improving Communication With Your Kids Are you content in the thought that your communication with your kids is spot on, or do you worry that you might be missing the mark? If your interface is overwrought with emotion, you might need these tips to gain a more peaceful relationship with your children. I experienced wonderful thin... Similar Editorial : Improving Your Inter by Martin Bailey. | Source : Guide to Parenting
What Role Did You Play In Your Divorce? Did you watch your parents learning what you did and what you did not like, formulating a plan for how you would do it when you became a parent? Me too. We knew that our parents were not perfect and we knew we could surely improve on how they did things. We had our fantasies about what a perfect marriage would be like too. For years, we pursued our dreams and they did work for a while. And...... Similar Editorial : Role of Mortgage by shijina. | Source : Ca Alimony
Face The Pain Of Your Divorce And Youll Begin To Heal Our earliest efforts to handle pain include running from it, avoiding it at any cost, saturating it with alcohol, and numbing it with drugs. None of these work. What does work is wrapping our arms around the pain and just sitting with it. Look at it. Feel it. Be objective. It will begin to heal if you do.Divorce is painful. You've felt that one. Don't like it; don't want it. Oh no! I'm stuck...... Similar Editorial : Heal Thyself First by Rondell Demmings. | Source : Ca Alimony
Divorce Actually Helps You Discover The I Of You Divorce can be a time of great challenge. Because of all the emotions it stirs up, it's a lot like a fast stir of vegetable soup: all the veggies come up from the bottom and swirl helter skelter in the broth, round and round the whirlpool you've created. Divorce is like that. Round and round the whirlpool with nothing to hang on to, lots of advice (that you'd rather not listen to), and a great...... Similar Editorial : Getting a Divorce by Brian Smith. | Source : Ca Alimony
Who Was The Bad Guy In Your Divorce? What was the reason for your divorce? Lies, abuse, not in love any more, or my personal favorite, adultery? I'll bet a dollar to your dime, if you're reading this article, it was because of my personal favorite. Am I right? Oh, adultery is a bugaboo; it leaves you with horrid feelings. But wait! There's good news behind this horror. It wasn't your fault they cheated. It was their fault. They...... Similar Editorial : Getting a Divorce by Brian Smith. | Source : Ca Alimony
Tips For Sharing Custody When Youre Divorced I haven't found a single way out of or around what I consider one of the stickiest problems brought about by divorce: sharing custody of your children with your ex.Divorce hurts. It is your natural inclination to move away from the hurt that divorce brings as rapidly as possible. If you never had to see your ex again, that would make the hurt dissipate. But your children deserve to have and...... Similar Editorial : Divorced Parents by Jean Tracy, MSS. | Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
You Divorced Me! Im Taking All The Stuff! Throughout the course of any marriage, property is accumulated. You're in love, and as you stroll through shopping areas, you think that certain things will make the relationship happier. You started out with an empty apartment or home and before you knew it, there's no room left for anything. If a divorce enters this scene, all this "stuff" becomes one of the biggest issues, because now this...... Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
Common Divorce Mistakes: If your marriage has reached the point where you or your ex have decided that it's time to move on without one another, you're probably at a point where your stress levels are high, your feelings are hurt, and you're looking for some sort of closure to the unhappy situation. Oftentimes, this closure is divorce, and the realization of what's happening can be chaotic. This is when you're most...... Similar Editorial : Common Exhibit Marketing Mistakes by Susan Friedmann. | Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
How You May Have Orchestrated Your Own Divorce Most of us grew up with parents. During our growing up years, we formed a lot of ideas of what a perfect relationship would be like by watching what our parents did, and in particular, what our parents did not do that we wish they had. We knew what perfect parents would be like. We would be those perfect parents. We had an idea of a perfect marriage. We would have a perfect marriage. We...... Similar Editorial : Getting a Divorce by Brian Smith. | Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
Divorce Hurts. Individual Responsibility Heals Our earliest efforts to handle pain include running from it, avoiding it at any cost, saturating it with alcohol, and numbing it with drugs. None of these work. What does work is wrapping our arms around the pain and just sitting with it. Look at it. Feel it. Be objective. It will begin to heal if you do.Divorce is painful. You've felt that one. Don't like it; don't want it. Oh no! I'm stuck...... Similar Editorial : Getting a Divorce by Brian Smith. | Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
How Not To Hate Your Ex Or Feel Guilty About Your Divorce You never saw it coming, your divorce. It screamed out of the blue and bashed you about the shoulders. You were astonished that it happened to you despite your very best plans for a wonderful life. Someone's got to pay the price for your distress. Let's blame the ex! Not! Oh, he/she might have played a role in it, but so did you. And now you're stuck with the guilt. Because the divorce...... Similar Editorial : Wmsc Finds Mclaren Guilty by Evander Klum. | Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
Shame In Divorce Is Arbitrary Although divorce has become common place within society here in the United States, the burden of shame, failure, and blame continues to fall on the shoulders of the individual divorcee. In earlier times in our country, the external pressures coming from church, community, and family was different than it is now, but I can imagine that there is still pressure. And I'm thinking maybe the main...... Similar Editorial : Getting a Divorce by Brian Smith. | Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
Ready To Begin Dating After Your Divorce? The grief generated by a divorce is about shattered dreams and concepts. It's very natural to process through the stages of grief, because your marriage has died. Once you've taken the appropriate amount of time for you to process the grief, it might now be time to consider dating again. Keep your children at the top of the considerations list as you prepare to enter into the dating game again...... Similar Editorial : Dating After Divorce vorce by Karl Augustine. | Source : Department Of Revenue Child Support
Feelings For Your Ex You have moved the goat and shehe cant find it anymore. Your feelings will have become objective and youll be able to set a wonderful example of reasonableness for your children... Similar Editorial : Advice On Getting Your Ex Back by Debbie Allen. | Source : My Ex Pg. 2