Googleopoly: The Motivation Behind Gmail Just before the close of business on Wednesday, Google announced that it will be launching Gmail, its new free e-mail service set to offer 1000 megabytes of free space to its users. This announcement...... Source : Products to Sell Online
Riding The Rails Of Milwaukee Road I walked to the top of the hill to start the water pump. I could see farmers in the surrounding countryside working in their fields. I had wanted to get an early start in the field but Pa was sore a...... Similar Editorial : India on the Rails by Roozbeh Gazdar. | Source : Travel Planning
Eleven Questions For Laura Preble, Author Ms. Preble is an award-winning teacher, a jazz singer and pianist, and the author of The Queen Geek Social Club and its just-published sequel Queen Geeks In Love (both available from Penguin Books). A self-admitted geek, Laura is a science fiction fan and currently lives in the San Diego area ... Similar Editorial : 10 Questions by John Assaraf. | Source : Publishing A Book
Building Superb Trading Habits The world of financial trading can be an unpredictable one. Even the finest and most knowledgeable traders in the market have a awful trading session every so often. The reality that traders are human means that mistakes will happen. Nonetheless, there's always room for improvement and constructing... Similar Editorial : Healthy Habits by Nitin Jain. | Source : Success Investment
Things Not To Do And Use When Daytrading Daytrading is a very difficult endeavor for anyone who's tried it. Those who go through it day after day will agree that everyday is different and that each day requires maximum attention. The end of each trading day leaves the daytraders exhausted. But not only does it take stamina, endurance, hig... Similar Editorial : Getting Things Done by Ronnie Nijmeh. | Source : Investment in Shares
Healthy Body, Healthy Trading Mind When traders start out, it's completely overwhelming the amount of things to learn and suck in. The simple to the most complex: the computer, the trading software, the markets, the strategies, indicators, psychology, capital, time. On top of that, traders have to deal with their family and work. In... Similar Editorial : Being Healthy by Yip See Kit. | Source : Investment in Shares
Opportunity Cost In Trading All traders have gone through a period they wished they never placed the trades. It could be impulsive and emotional factor that drove the trader to commit these trades. These are trades that he wished he can forget forever and hope to never repeat them again.What is opportunity cost in tr... Similar Editorial : A New Job Opportunity by David Leonhardt. | Source : Security Investment
Pros And Cons Of Mental Stop And Hard Physical Stops When a trader starts his new venture into trading or investing, he finds out many things that need to be learned, understood and used as part of his tools to become successful. One of the useful tools in many trading software is the use of stop loss orders. Although this a standard tool, not many us... Similar Editorial : P90x Pros and Cons by Jesse Miller. | Source : Life Settlement Investment
Greed And Fear? We have heard it: the market is not driven by money but by greed and fear. The two biggest emotions that move markets up and down at random; they seem to fluctuate without any logic behind them.Why do we get these emotions when we trade? After all, it's stocks we're trading, not playing ... Similar Editorial : Run Towards Fear by Dr. Leif H. Smith. | Source : Net Investment Income
Time Of Day To Day Trade Day traders are a special breed of animals from the investors and swing or position traders. To them, there is a routine throughout the day they notice and take advantage of them. Each segment of the trading hours has special meaning. When it comes trading, these traders know when they are at their ... Similar Editorial : Focus on a Trade by Kelley Robertson. | Source : Net Investment Income
Swing Trading Weinsteins Theory Of Relativity To Profits When Stan Weinstein was first featured in the famous book, "Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders", by Jack Schwager, he stood out as a trader with the highest win/loss ratio. He finally revealed his method in his only book, "Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets," for the long-te... Similar Editorial : Currency Swing Trading by Monica Hendrix. | Source : Investment Loan Rate
Traders Daily Routine Checklist Most traders go day to day trading on the fly, take a position when it "feels right", especially in the heat of the moment when prices are just moving without them. Not preparing for what lies ahead for the day, week or month can be a costly endeavor. Many don't come with a plan, much less a chec... Similar Editorial : Body Building Routine by The Bodybuilding Trainer. | Source : Venture Capital Investment
Golf Course Management Playing a good round of golf comes with a lot of good golf course management. Sure it is great to know how to have a great golf swing, but if you haven't got course management, then you haven't got a game plan.Have you ever noticed a professional golfer standing beside their caddie... Similar Editorial : PPC Management by Dave Brown. | Source : Professional Golf Instruction
Trader’s Daily Routine Checklist Most traders go day to day trading on the fly, take a position when it "feels right", especially in the heat of the moment when prices are just moving without them. Not preparing for what lies ahead for the day, week or month can be a costly endeavor. Many don't come with a plan, much less a checklist to prepare for the day. Many professionals are preparing two to three hours even before the...... Similar Editorial : Body Building Routine by The Bodybuilding Trainer. | Source : Commodity Trader
New Trading Strategys Profitability When a trader finds a new strategy using a new indicator, what does he do with it? Does he just observe it for a few weeks and see if he can get a feel for it? Or just straight out trade it in real time and see how verify its profitability by seeing if the equity is better than it was before trading it?In automated trading, a programmer can code and give straight forward signals based on the...... Similar Editorial : Day Trading by Harvey Walsh. | Source : Buying A Timeshare